peer-reviewed journal papers
C. Yan, T. B. Christophel, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Categorical working memory codes in human visual cortex
NeuroImage, 274, 120149, 2023.
M. Guseva, C. Bogler, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Instruction effects on randomness in sequence generation.
Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1113654, 2023.
C. Yan, T. B. Christophel, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Decoding verbal working memory representations of Chinese characters from Broca’s area.
NeuroImage, 226, 117595, 2021.
J. Soch, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Inverse transformed encoding models – a solution to the problem of correlated trial-by-trial parameter estimates in fMRI decoding.
NeuroImage, 209, 116449, 2020.
J. Soch, C. Allefeld.
MACS – a new SPM toolbox for model assessment, comparison and selection.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 306, 19–31, 2018.
T. B. Christophel, P. Iamshchinina, C. Yan, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Cortical specialization for attended versus unattended working memory.
Nature Neuroscience 21, 494–496, 2018.
K. Görgen, M. N. Hebart, C. Allefeld*, J.-D. Haynes*.
The same analysis approach: Practical protection against the pitfalls of novel neuroimaging analysis methods.
NeuroImage 180 A, 19–30, 2018.
equal contribution
J. Soch, A. P. Meyer, J.-D. Haynes, C. Allefeld.
How to improve parameter estimates in GLM-based fMRI data analysis: Cross-validated Bayesian model averaging.
NeuroImage 158, 186–195, 2017.
T. B. Christophel, C. Allefeld, C. Endisch, J.-D. Haynes.
View-independent working memory representations of artificial shapes in prefrontal and posterior regions of the human brain.
Cerebral Cortex 28(6), 2146–2161, 2018.
C. Allefeld, K. Görgen, J.-D. Haynes.
Valid population inference for information-based imaging: From the second-level t-test to prevalence inference.
NeuroImage 141, 378–392, 2016.
J. Soch, J.-D. Haynes., C. Allefeld.
How to avoid mismodelling in GLM-based fMRI data analysis: Cross-validated Bayesian model selection.
NeuroImage 141, 469–489, 2016.
M. Schultze-Kraft, D. Birman, M. Rusconi, C. Allefeld, K. Görgen, S. Dähne, B. Blankertz, J.-D. Haynes.
The point of no return in vetoing self-initiated movements.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(4), 1080–1085, 2016.
K. Ritter, J. Schumacher, M. Weygandt, R. Buchert, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes, & ADNI.
Multimodal prediction of conversion to Alzheimer based on incomplete biomarkers.
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 1(2), 206–215, 2015.
M. Weygandt, H. Hummel, K. Schregel, K. Ritter, C. Allefeld, E. Dommes, P. Huppke, J.-D. Haynes, J. Würfel, J. Gärtner.
MRI-based diagnostic biomarkers for early onset pediatric multiple sclerosis.
NeuroImage Clinical 7, 400–408, 2015.
C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Searchlight-based multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI by cross-validated MANOVA.
NeuroImage 89, 345–357, 2014.
F. Ramírez, R. Cichy, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
The neural code for face orientation in the human fusiform face area.
The Journal of Neuroscience 34(36), 12155–12167, 2014.
I. Winkler, S. Brandl, F. Horn, E. Waldburger, C. Allefeld, M. Tangermann.
Robust artifactual independent component classification for BCI practitioners.
Journal of Neural Engineering 11(3), 035013, 2014.
C. S. Soon, C. Allefeld, C. Bogler, J. Heinzle, J.-D. Haynes.
Predictive brain signals best predict upcoming and not previous choices.
Comment on “Flipping a coin in your head without monitoring outcomes?” by M. Lages et al.
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 406, 2014.
A. K. Kuhlen*, C. Allefeld*, J.-D. Haynes.
Content-specific coordination of listeners’ to speakers’ EEG during communication.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 266, 2012.
equal contribution
K. Hackmack, F. Paul, M. Weygandt, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes, & ADNI.
Multi-scale classification of disease using structural MRI and wavelet transform.
NeuroImage 62(1), 48–58, 2012.
C. Allefeld, P. Pütz, K. Kastner, J. Wackermann.
Flicker-light induced visual phenomena: Frequency dependence and specificity of whole percepts and percept features.
Consciousness and Cognition 20(4), 1344–1362, 2011.
C. Allefeld, H. Atmanspacher, J. Wackermann.
Mental states as macrostates emerging from brain electrical dynamics.
Chaos 19(1), 015102, 2009.
C. Allefeld.
The Hollow of Being: What can we learn from Merleau-Ponty's ontology for a science of consciousness?
Mind and Matter 6(2), 235–255, 2008.
J. Wackermann, P. Pütz, C. Allefeld.
Ganzfeld-induced hallucinatory experience, its phenomenology and cerebral electrophysiology.
Cortex 44(10), 1364–1378, 2008.
C. Allefeld, S. Bialonski.
Detecting synchronization clusters in multivariate time series via coarse-graining of Markov chains.
Physical Review E 76, 066207, 2007.
J. Wackermann, C. Allefeld.
On the meaning and interpretation of global descriptors of brain electrical activity.
Including a reply to X. Pei et al.
International Journal of Psychophysiology 64(2), 199–210, 2007.
C. Allefeld, M. Müller, J. Kurths.
Eigenvalue decomposition as a generalized Synchronization Cluster Analysis.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17(10), 3493–3497, 2007.
C. Allefeld.
About the derivation of the SCA algorithm.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16(12), 3705–3706, 2006.
C. Allefeld, S. Frisch, M. Schlesewsky.
Detection of early cognitive processing by event-related phase synchronization analysis.
NeuroReport 16(1), 13–16, 2005.
C. Allefeld, J. Kurths.
An approach to multivariate phase synchronization analysis and its application to event-related potentials.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14(2), 417–426, 2004.
C. Allefeld, J. Kurths.
Testing for phase synchronization.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14(2), 405–416, 2004.
other publications
J. Soch, C. Allefeld.
Exceedance probabilities for the Dirichlet distribution.
Technical report, 2016.
J. Soch, C. Allefeld.
Kullback-Leibler divergence for the normal-gamma distribution.
Technical report, 2016.
C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Multi-voxel pattern analysis.
In A. W. Toga, editor,
Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, vol. 1, pages 641–646.
Academic Press, 2015.
A. K. Kuhlen, C. Allefeld, S. Anders, J.-D. Haynes.
Towards a multi-brain perspective on communication in dialogue.
In R. Willems, editor,
Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use, pages 182–200.
Cambridge University Press, 2015.
C. Allefeld, C. S. Soon, C. Bogler, J. Heinzle, J.-D. Haynes.
Sequential dependencies between trials in free choice tasks.
Technical report, 2013.
J. Heinzle, C. Allefeld, J.-D. Haynes.
Information flow, dynamical systems theory and the human brain.
Comment on “Information flow dynamics in the brain” by M. I. Rabinovich et al.
Physics of Life Reviews, 9(1): 78–79, 2011.
J. Wackermann, C. Allefeld.
State space representation and global descriptors of brain electrical activity.
In C. M. Michel et al., editors,
Electrical Neuroimaging: A Systematic Introduction, pages 191–214.
Cambridge University Press, 2009.
C. Allefeld.
Instantaneous oscillatory direction and phase for multivariate timeseries.
Technical report, 2008.
C. Allefeld, P. beim Graben, J. Kurths, editors.
Chaos and Complexity Letters, volume 2(2/3). Nova Science Publishers, 2007.
Special Issue on Advanced Methods of Electrophysiological Signal Analysis and Symbol Grounding? Dynamical Systems Approaches to Language.
Appeared also as a book: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
C. Allefeld.
Phase Synchronization Analysis of Event-Related Brain Potentials in Language Processing.
Doctoral thesis, University of Potsdam, 2004.
C. Allefeld, S. Frisch.
Phase synchronization analysis of event-related potentials in language processing.
In S. Bocaletti et al., editors,
Experimental Chaos: 8th Experimental Chaos Conference, pages 106–111. AIP, 2004.
C. Allefeld, J. Kurths.
Multivariate phase synchronization analysis of EEG data.
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, E86-A(9): 2218–2221, 2003.
C. Allefeld.
Erkenntnistheoretische Konsequenzen der Systemtheorie. Die Theorie selbstreferentieller Systeme und der Konstruktivismus.
Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 1999.