
A model for the data is set up and estimated in SPM

last modified


Matlab script
% select subject
sub = 'subj1';
% load information
load(fullfile(sub, 'info.mat'))
% BOLD data (contains realignment information)
fnBOLD = fullfile(sub, 'bold.nii');
% realigned BOLD data
fnrBOLD = fullfile(sub, 'rbold.nii');
% directory for model
modelDir = fullfile(sub, 'model');
% file containing model
fnSPM = fullfile(modelDir, 'SPM.mat');

Specify the model

Instead of the approach of the paper to use a single design matrix across all sessions, we here follow the standard approach of SPM, and use session-wise design matrices. Each of them contains eight HRF-convoluted regressors corresponding to the stimulus presentations of the eight conditions, six motion regressors derived from the realignment parameters, and a constant regressor.

% get realignment parameters for motion regressors
V = spm_vol(fnBOLD);
mat = cat(4, V.mat);

% create directory

% SPM module 'fMRI model specification'
fmri_spec = struct;
fmri_spec.dir = {modelDir};         % model directory
fmri_spec.timing.units = 'secs';    % units for onsets and durations
fmri_spec.timing.RT = TR;           % repetition time (interscan interval)
fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t = 25;       % microtime resolution: 0.1 s
fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t0 = 12;      % microtime onset: middle of scan
% for each session
for si = 1 : nSessions
    % indices of scans in 4d BOLD image corresponding to session
    vi = (si - 1) * nVolsPerSession + (1 : nVolsPerSession);
    fmri_spec.sess(si).scans = arrayfun(@(i) ...
        sprintf('%s,%d', ...                % SPM's <filename>,<scan> syntax
            fullfile(pwd, fnrBOLD), i), ... % filename must include full path
            vi, ...
            'UniformOutput', false)';
    % for each condition
    for ci = 1 : nConds
        % name, onsets, and durations
        fmri_spec.sess(si).cond(ci).name = conditions{ci};
        fmri_spec.sess(si).cond(ci).onset = onsets{si, ci};
        fmri_spec.sess(si).cond(ci).duration = durations{si, ci};
        fmri_spec.sess(si).cond(ci).tmod = 0;   % no time modulation
        fmri_spec.sess(si).cond(ci).orth = 1;
    fmri_spec.sess(si).multi = {''};        % no 'multiple conditions'
    % motion regressors from realignment parameters
    Q = nan(nVolsPerSession, 6);
    for i = 1 : nVolsPerSession
        qq = spm_imatrix(mat(:, :, vi(i)) / mat(:, :, vi(1)));
        Q(i, :) = qq(1 : 6);
    for mi = 1 : 6
        fmri_spec.sess(si).regress(mi).name = sprintf('motion(%d)', mi);
        fmri_spec.sess(si).regress(mi).val = Q(:, mi);
    fmri_spec.sess(si).multi_reg = {''};    % no 'multiple regressors'
    fmri_spec.sess(si).hpf = 128;           % high-pass cutoff time (def.)
fmri_spec.bases.hrf.derivs = [0 0]; % no HRF derivatives
fmri_spec.volt = 1;                 % do not model interactions = 'None';          % no global intensity normalization
fmri_spec.mthresh = 0.8;            % masking threshold (def.)
fmri_spec.mask = {''};              % no explicit mask
fmri_spec.cvi = 'AR(1)';            % model serial correlations as AR(1) (def.)
% run module
matlabbatch = {};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec = fmri_spec;
spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch(1))
Initialising batch system... done.

14-Aug-2024 22:11:08 - Running job #1
14-Aug-2024 22:11:09 - Running 'fMRI model specification'

SPM12: spm_fMRI_design (v7739)                     22:11:09 - 14/08/2024
Saving fMRI design                      :               ...SPM.mat saved

SPM12: spm_fmri_spm_ui (v7738)                     22:11:10 - 14/08/2024
Mapping files                           :                        ...done
Calculating globals                     :                        ...done
Saving SPM configuration                :               ...SPM.mat saved
Saving SPM configuration                :               ...SPM.mat saved
Completed                               :          22:11:21 - 14/08/2024
14-Aug-2024 22:11:21 - Done    'fMRI model specification'
14-Aug-2024 22:11:21 - Done

Visualize the model

load(fullfile(modelDir, 'SPM.mat'), 'SPM')
filenames = SPM.xY.P(:, numel(pwd) + 2 : end);
filenames = reshape(cellstr(filenames), size(SPM.xY.VY));
spm_DesRep('DesMtx', SPM.xX, filenames, SPM.xsDes);

Estimate the model

% SPM module 'fMRI model estimation'
fmri_est = struct;
fmri_est.spmmat = {fnSPM};          % path to `SPM.mat`
fmri_est.write_residuals = 0;       % do not write residuals
fmri_est.method.Classical = 1;      % frequentist statistical estimation
% run module
matlabbatch = {};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est = fmri_est;
spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch(1))

14-Aug-2024 22:11:28 - Running job #1
14-Aug-2024 22:11:28 - Running 'Model estimation'

SPM12: spm_spm (v7738)                             22:11:29 - 14/08/2024

SPM12: spm_est_non_sphericity (v7577)              22:11:31 - 14/08/2024
Chunk   2/2                             :                        ...done
Temporal non-sphericity (27073 voxels)  :             ...ReML estimation
  ReML Block 1                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...9.827664e+00 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...5.884532e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...1.599118e-02 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 2                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...1.118494e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...8.181662e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...2.286568e-02 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 3                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...6.901230e+00 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...1.429964e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...1.248735e-03 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 4                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...9.365361e+00 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...3.411252e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...5.701104e-03 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 5                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...1.027357e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...4.295659e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...7.688102e-03 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 6                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...1.323103e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...3.478206e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...6.419885e-03 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 7                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...1.774148e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...1.183276e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...1.092870e-03 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 8                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...1.752418e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...1.037713e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...8.001813e-04 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 9                
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...2.328423e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...8.247045e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...1.707144e-02 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 10               
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...2.362216e+01 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...2.052704e-01 [+4.50]
  ReML Iteration 3                      :        ...9.280063e-04 [+4.75]
  ReML Block 11               
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...7.029397e+00 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...4.771267e-03 [+4.50]
  ReML Block 12               
  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...7.075062e+00 [+4.25]
  ReML Iteration 2                      :        ...5.880034e-02 [+4.50]

SPM12: spm_spm (v7738)                             22:11:37 - 14/08/2024
Chunk   2/2                             :                        ...done
Spatial non-sphericity (over scans)     :                        ...done
Saving SPM.mat                          :                        ...done
Completed                               :          22:11:47 - 14/08/2024
14-Aug-2024 22:11:47 - Done    'Model estimation'
14-Aug-2024 22:11:47 - Done

The toolbox only needs the updates to the SPM.mat file made during estimation, not the parameter estimates themselves. We therefore delete the created beta_####.nii files.

load(fnSPM, 'SPM');
for i = 1 : numel(SPM.Vbeta)
    spm_unlink(fullfile(modelDir, SPM.Vbeta(i).fname))