Module tikz.figure
specific parameters: - width - rows/columns for each view - aspect ratio for each view
implicit: - numbers of rows and columns - numbers of rows and columns
generic parameters: - horizontal margin, vertical margin - horizontal gap, vertical gap - left padding, right padding - below padding, above padding
results: - column widths - row heights - …
all lengths in cm
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specific parameters:
- width
- rows/columns for each view
- aspect ratio for each view
- numbers of rows and columns
- numbers of rows and columns
generic parameters:
- horizontal margin, vertical margin
- horizontal gap, vertical gap
- left padding, right padding
- below padding, above padding
- column widths
- row heights
- ...
all lengths in cm
# Copyright (C) 2020 Carsten Allefeld
import numpy as np
import collections
from tikz import Picture, Scope, rectangle, options, lineto, node, fontsize
from tikz.extended_wilkinson import TicksGenerator
tex_maxdimen = (2**30 - 1) / 65536 / 72.27 * 2.54
"maximum length that can be processed by TeX"
# theoretical: 575.8317415420323
# TODO: -575.831685 is too large!
class cfg:
"tikz.figure configuration variables"
width = 16
"width of figure, default 16"
margin_horizontal = 0.5
"horizontal margin of figure, default 0.5"
margin_vertical = 0.5
"vertical margin of figure, default 0.5"
gap_horizontal = 0.5
"horizontal gap between views, default 0.5"
gap_vertical = 0.5
"vertical gap between views, default 0.5"
padding_left = 1
"left view padding, default 1"
padding_right = 0.5
"right view padding, default 1"
padding_bottom = 1
"bottom view padding, default 1"
padding_top = 0.5
"top view padding, default 0.5"
figure_fontsize = 10
default font size within figure, default 10 pt
This font size applies to the figure title, axes titles and labels, as well
as to user-created text nodes unless overridden.
decorations_fontsize = 9
"font size for axes decorations, default 9 pt"
ticks_fontsizes = [8, 9]
list of font sizes for tick labels
The largest font size is the default, smaller sizes are used if there is
not enough space.
tick_density = 0.75
"target number of ticks per cm, default 0.75"
clip_margin = 0.8 / 72.27 * 2.54
"width by which the clip region is larger than the axes, default 0.8 pt"
axis_offset = 0.1
"offset of axis lines from axes region, default 1 mm"
tick_length = 0.1
"length of tick lines, default 1 mm"
class Box:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
def _draw(self, env, label=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
"draw Box into environment"
env.draw((self.x, self.y),
rectangle((self.x + self.w, self.y + self.h)),
opt=opt, **kwoptions)
if label is not None:
env.node(label, at=(self.x, self.y + self.h),
anchor='north west', font=r'\tiny')
class View:
def __init__(self, outer=None, inner=None):
self.outer = outer
self.inner = inner
def locate(self, outer, inner):
self.outer = outer
self.inner = inner
def _draw(self, env, label=None):
"draw View into environment"
self.outer._draw(env, label, opacity=0.5)
class Layout:
superclass for layout classes
Every subclass has to ensure that
- there is a member `views` that contains a list of `View` objects,
- there are members `width` and `height` which specify the dimensions,
- if computations are necessary to ensure these members are up-to-date,
they are implemented in a method overriding `_compute`.
def _compute(self):
def get_views(self):
return self.views
def get_dimensions(self):
return self.width, self.height
def _draw(self, env):
"draw Layout into environment"
env.draw((0, 0), rectangle((self.width, self.height)))
env.node('Layout', at=(0, self.height),
anchor='north west', font=r'\tiny')
for i in range(len(self.views)):
self.views[i]._draw(env, f'View {i}')
def _repr_png_(self, dpi=None):
"represent Layout as PNG for notebook"
pic = Picture()
return pic._get_PNG(dpi=dpi)
class SimpleLayout(Layout):
"layout with a single view"
def __init__(self, **parameters):
# process Layout parameters and get defaults
self.width = parameters.get('width', cfg.width)
mh = parameters.get('margin_horizontal', parameters.get(
'margin', cfg.margin_horizontal))
mv = parameters.get('margin_vertical', parameters.get(
'margin', cfg.margin_vertical))
pl = parameters.get('padding_left', cfg.padding_left)
pr = parameters.get('padding_right', cfg.padding_right)
pb = parameters.get('padding_bottom', cfg.padding_bottom)
pt = parameters.get('padding_top', cfg.padding_top)
ar = parameters.get('aspect_ratio', 4/3)
# check width
if self.width <= 2 * mh + pl + pr:
raise LayoutError(f'width {self.width} is too small')
# compute
iw = self.width - 2 * mh - pl - pr
ih = iw / ar
ow = iw + pl + pr
oh = ih + pb + pt
ox = mh
oy = mv
ix = ox + pl
iy = oy + pb
self.height = oh + 2 * mv
# create boxes and view
outer = Box(ox, oy, ow, oh)
inner = Box(ix, iy, iw, ih)
self.views = [View(outer, inner)]
class FlexibleGridLayout(Layout):
"layout where views encompass one or more of the cells of a flexible grid"
def __init__(self, **parameters):
# process Layout parameters and get defaults
self.width = parameters.get('width', cfg.width) = parameters.get('margin_horizontal', parameters.get(
'margin', cfg.margin_horizontal)) = parameters.get('margin_vertical', parameters.get(
'margin', cfg.margin_vertical)) = parameters.get('gap_horizontal', parameters.get(
'gap', cfg.gap_horizontal))
self.gv = parameters.get('gap_vertical', parameters.get(
'gap', cfg.gap_vertical)) = parameters.get('padding_left', cfg.padding_left) = parameters.get('padding_right', cfg.padding_right)
self.pb = parameters.get('padding_bottom', cfg.padding_bottom) = parameters.get('padding_top', cfg.padding_top)
# initialize list of Views and view parameters
self.views = []
self.rf = [] # rows from
self.rt = [] # rows to = [] # columns from
self.ct = [] # columns to = [] # aspect ratio
def add_view(self, rows, cols, aspect_ratio=None):
# support specification of single row/col as scalar
if not isinstance(rows,
rows = [rows]
if not isinstance(cols,
cols = [cols]
# store extent w.r.t. grid & aspect ratio
# create & store empty View object
v = View()
# check width
if self.width <= (2 * + +
+ * max(self.ct)):
raise LayoutError(f'width {self.width} too small')
def _compute(self):
# What we have to compute are the outer and inner box of each view. To
# do so, we need to know the height of each row and the width of each
# column. The constraints that allow to compute these unknowns u are
# linear, which means they can be expressed by a matrix equation,
# A u = b. The rows of u / columns of A correspond to first the the
# row heights and then the column widths, and the rows of A / rows of
# b correspond to the constraints.
# compute number of rows/cols from maximal view row/col index
nr = max(self.rt) + 1
nc = max(self.ct) + 1
# constraints: one global, and one per view
n = 1 + len(self.views)
A = np.zeros(shape=(n, nr + nc))
b = np.zeros(shape=(n, 1))
# global constraint
# The column widths, margins and gaps have to add up to the width.
A[0, :] = np.hstack((np.zeros(nr), np.ones(nc)))
b[0] = self.width - 2 * - (nc - 1) *
# per-view constraints
for i in range(len(self.views)):
# unpack for shorter code
rf = self.rf[i]
rt = self.rt[i]
cf =[i]
ct = self.ct[i]
ar =[i]
# ignore views with unspecified aspect ratio
if ar is None:
# row heights included in view
h = np.zeros(nr)
h[rf: rt + 1] = 1
nvr = sum(h)
# column widths included in view
w = np.zeros(nc)
w[cf: ct + 1] = 1
nvc = sum(w)
# constraint
A[i + 1, :] = np.hstack((-ar * h, w))
b[i + 1] = (( + - (nvc - 1) *
- ar * ( + self.pb - (nvr - 1) * self.gv))
# check constraints
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
if rank < nr + nc:
print('Warning: The Layout is underdetermined.')
# solve expression
u = np.linalg.pinv(A) @ b
# extract row heights and column widths
rh = list(u[:nr].flat)
cw = list(u[nr:].flat)
# height of figure
self.height = sum(rh) + 2 * + (nr - 1) * self.gv
# check fulfillment of global constraint
# Tolerance: We choose TeX's internal unit, the scaled point "sp", see
# The TeXbook, p. 57.
tol = 2.54 / 72.27 / 65536
actual_width = sum(cw) + 2 * + (nc - 1) *
if abs(actual_width - self.width) > tol:
print(f'Warning: Layout width is {actual_width}.')
# compute position of view boxes
for i in range(len(self.views)):
# unpack for shorter code
rf = self.rf[i]
rt = self.rt[i]
cf =[i]
ct = self.ct[i]
ar =[i]
# outer box
ox = + sum(cw[:cf]) + cf *
oy = + sum(rh[:rf]) + rf * self.gv
ow = sum(cw[cf: ct + 1]) + (ct - cf) *
oh = sum(rh[rf: rt + 1]) + (rt - rf) * self.gv
oy = self.height - oy - oh
outer = Box(ox, oy, ow, oh)
# inner box
ix = ox +
iy = oy + self.pb
iw = ow - -
ih = oh - - self.pb
inner = Box(ix, iy, iw, ih)
# assign Boxes to View
self.views[i].locate(outer, inner)
# check fulfillment of per-view constraint
if ar is None:
if abs(iw - ar * ih) > tol:
print(f'Warning: View {i} aspect ratio is {iw / ih}.')
class LayoutError(Exception):
error in computing Layout
class Figure(Picture):
def __init__(self, layout=None, tempdir=None, cache=True, font=None,
opt=None, **layout_parameters):
if font is None:
font = fontsize(cfg.figure_fontsize)
font = fontsize(cfg.figure_fontsize) + font
# process layout
if layout is None:
layout = SimpleLayout(**layout_parameters)
self.layout = layout
self.width, self.height = layout.get_dimensions()
self.views = layout.get_views()
# ensure bounding box of figure
self.clip((0, 0), rectangle((self.width, self.height)))
# use font Fira
font_metrics = {
'offset': 0.1, '-': 0.4, '1': 0.56, '2': 0.56, '3': 0.56,
'4': 0.56, '5': 0.56, '6': 0.56, '7': 0.56, '8': 0.56, '9': 0.56,
'0': 0.56, '.': 0.24, 'height': 0.723}
# TODO: general mechanism to register fonts?
# or at least keep font activation code and font_metrics together?
# create `TicksGenerator`
self.ticks_generator = TicksGenerator(
def draw_layout(self):
"draw layout"
scope = self.scope(color='red')
def title(self, label, margin_vertical=None):
# TODO: use another parameter name, and corresponding cfg?
# spaces are off as they are
# Make this a layout option, overridden when creating the layout,
# and read from the layout here.
if margin_vertical is None:
margin_vertical = cfg.margin_vertical
scope = self.scope()
# position title such that descenders touch Layout
scope.node(label, at=(self.width / 2, self.height),
anchor='base', yshift='depth("gjpqy")', name='title',
outer_sep=0, inner_sep=0)
# extend bounding box such that there is space above capital letters
# and ascenders
scope.path('(title.base)', options(yshift='height("HAbdfhk")'),
# Alternatively, one could set the height and depth of the node,
# see
# Also, predefine this height and depth for ease of use? – No, because
# it depends on the font size. But maybe define macros.
def axes(self, xlim, ylim, view_no=0, xaxis=True, yaxis=True):
a = Axes(self.views[view_no], xlim, ylim, self.ticks_generator,
xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis)
return a
class Axes(Scope):
def __init__(self, view, xlim, ylim, ticks_generator, xaxis, yaxis):
self.inner = view.inner
self.outer = view.outer
self.xticks = ticks_generator.ticks(*xlim, self.inner.w, True)
self.yticks = ticks_generator.ticks(*ylim, self.inner.h, False)
xmin = self.xticks.amin
xrange = self.xticks.amax - xmin
ymin = self.yticks.amin
yrange = self.yticks.amax - ymin
# Sub-scope for axes decorations in which the origin remains in the
# lower left corner of the figure, and xy remains at its 1 cm default.
# Moreover, coordinates are not subject to transformation and drawing
# is not clipped.
self.decorations = Scope(font=fontsize(cfg.decorations_fontsize))
# convenience
x, y, w, h = self.inner.x, self.inner.y, self.inner.w, self.inner.h
# Drawing is clipped to the inner box, with a bit of padding.
pad = cfg.clip_margin
self.clip(f'({x - pad}cm,{y - pad}cm)',
rectangle(f'({x + w + pad}cm, {y + h + pad}cm)'))
# The Axes scope itself sets an origin in the left bottom corner of
# the inner box, and xy set up such that [0, 1] covers the whole inner
# width / height.
# coordinate limits from tex_maxdimen
cxmin = (-tex_maxdimen - x) / w * xrange + xmin
cxmax = (tex_maxdimen - x) / w * xrange + xmin
cymin = (-tex_maxdimen - y) / h * yrange + ymin
cymax = (tex_maxdimen - y) / h * yrange + ymin
# Transformation which maps coordinates from the axis' ranges
# onto [0, 1], to be passed to *`.code()` and `_coordinate_code`.
def transformation(coord):
cx, cy = coord
if not isinstance(cx, str):
# check too large
if cx < cxmin:
print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cx} clipped to {cxmin}.')
cx = cxmin
if cx > cxmax:
print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cx} clipped to {cxmax}.')
cx = cxmax
# transform x
cx = (cx - xmin) / xrange
if not isinstance(cy, str):
# check too large
if cy < cymin:
print(f'Warning: y coordinate {cy} clipped to {cymin}.')
cy = cymin
if cy > cymax:
print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cy} clipped to {cymax}.')
cy = cymax
# transform y
cy = (cy - ymin) / yrange
return cx, cy
self.trans = transformation
# TODO: postpone to allow modification?
# or let specify Ticks instead of xlim, ylim?
if xaxis:
if yaxis:
def xaxis(self):
d = self.decorations
i = self.inner
o = cfg.axis_offset
tl = cfg.tick_length
t = self.xticks
if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize:
font = fontsize(t.font_size)
font = None
rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90
d.draw((i.x, i.y - o), lineto((i.x + i.w, i.y - o)),
for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels):
x = i.x + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.w
if t.horizontal:
n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate,
n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate,
d.draw((x, i.y - o), lineto((x, i.y - o - tl)), n)
if t.plabel is not None:
d.draw((i.x + i.w, i.y), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'),
# TODO: standardize / `cfg`urize label and plabel padding
def yaxis(self):
d = self.decorations
i = self.inner
o = cfg.axis_offset
tl = cfg.tick_length
t = self.yticks
if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize:
font = fontsize(t.font_size)
font = None
rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90
d.draw((i.x - o, i.y), lineto((i.x - o, i.y + i.h)),
for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels):
y = i.y + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.h
if t.horizontal:
n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate,
n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate,
d.draw((i.x - o, y), lineto((i.x - o - tl, y)), n)
if t.plabel is not None:
d.draw((i.x, i.y + i.h), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'),
# TODO: yaxis_right, maybe xaxis_top
# Axes options yaxis= 'left', 'right', None
# privatize xaxis, yaxis?
def _code(self):
"returns TikZ code"
code = (self.decorations._code() + '\n'
+ super()._code(self.trans))
return code
Global variables
var tex_maxdimen
maximum length that can be processed by TeX
class cfg (*args, **kwargs)
tikz.figure configuration variables
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class cfg: "tikz.figure configuration variables" width = 16 "width of figure, default 16" margin_horizontal = 0.5 "horizontal margin of figure, default 0.5" margin_vertical = 0.5 "vertical margin of figure, default 0.5" gap_horizontal = 0.5 "horizontal gap between views, default 0.5" gap_vertical = 0.5 "vertical gap between views, default 0.5" padding_left = 1 "left view padding, default 1" padding_right = 0.5 "right view padding, default 1" padding_bottom = 1 "bottom view padding, default 1" padding_top = 0.5 "top view padding, default 0.5" figure_fontsize = 10 """ default font size within figure, default 10 pt This font size applies to the figure title, axes titles and labels, as well as to user-created text nodes unless overridden. """ decorations_fontsize = 9 "font size for axes decorations, default 9 pt" ticks_fontsizes = [8, 9] """ list of font sizes for tick labels The largest font size is the default, smaller sizes are used if there is not enough space. """ tick_density = 0.75 "target number of ticks per cm, default 0.75" clip_margin = 0.8 / 72.27 * 2.54 "width by which the clip region is larger than the axes, default 0.8 pt" axis_offset = 0.1 "offset of axis lines from axes region, default 1 mm" tick_length = 0.1 "length of tick lines, default 1 mm"
Class variables
var width
width of figure, default 16
var margin_horizontal
horizontal margin of figure, default 0.5
var margin_vertical
vertical margin of figure, default 0.5
var gap_horizontal
horizontal gap between views, default 0.5
var gap_vertical
vertical gap between views, default 0.5
var padding_left
left view padding, default 1
var padding_right
right view padding, default 1
var padding_bottom
bottom view padding, default 1
var padding_top
top view padding, default 0.5
var figure_fontsize
default font size within figure, default 10 pt
This font size applies to the figure title, axes titles and labels, as well as to user-created text nodes unless overridden.
var decorations_fontsize
font size for axes decorations, default 9 pt
var ticks_fontsizes
list of font sizes for tick labels
The largest font size is the default, smaller sizes are used if there is not enough space.
var tick_density
target number of ticks per cm, default 0.75
var clip_margin
width by which the clip region is larger than the axes, default 0.8 pt
var axis_offset
offset of axis lines from axes region, default 1 mm
var tick_length
length of tick lines, default 1 mm
class Box (x, y, w, h)
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class Box: def __init__(self, x, y, w, h): self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h def _draw(self, env, label=None, opt=None, **kwoptions): "draw Box into environment" env.draw((self.x, self.y), rectangle((self.x + self.w, self.y + self.h)), opt=opt, **kwoptions) if label is not None: env.node(label, at=(self.x, self.y + self.h), anchor='north west', font=r'\tiny')
class View (outer=None, inner=None)
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class View: def __init__(self, outer=None, inner=None): self.outer = outer self.inner = inner def locate(self, outer, inner): self.outer = outer self.inner = inner def _draw(self, env, label=None): "draw View into environment" self.outer._draw(env, label, opacity=0.5) self.inner._draw(env)
def locate(self, outer, inner)
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def locate(self, outer, inner): self.outer = outer self.inner = inner
class Layout (*args, **kwargs)
superclass for layout classes
Every subclass has to ensure that - there is a member
that contains a list ofView
objects, - there are memberswidth
which specify the dimensions, - if computations are necessary to ensure these members are up-to-date, they are implemented in a method overriding_compute
.Expand source code
class Layout: """ superclass for layout classes Every subclass has to ensure that - there is a member `views` that contains a list of `View` objects, - there are members `width` and `height` which specify the dimensions, - if computations are necessary to ensure these members are up-to-date, they are implemented in a method overriding `_compute`. """ def _compute(self): pass def get_views(self): self._compute() return self.views def get_dimensions(self): self._compute() return self.width, self.height def _draw(self, env): "draw Layout into environment" env.draw((0, 0), rectangle((self.width, self.height))) env.node('Layout', at=(0, self.height), anchor='north west', font=r'\tiny') for i in range(len(self.views)): self.views[i]._draw(env, f'View {i}') def _repr_png_(self, dpi=None): "represent Layout as PNG for notebook" self._compute() pic = Picture() self._draw(pic) return pic._get_PNG(dpi=dpi)
def get_views(self)
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def get_views(self): self._compute() return self.views
def get_dimensions(self)
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def get_dimensions(self): self._compute() return self.width, self.height
class SimpleLayout (**parameters)
layout with a single view
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class SimpleLayout(Layout): "layout with a single view" def __init__(self, **parameters): # process Layout parameters and get defaults self.width = parameters.get('width', cfg.width) mh = parameters.get('margin_horizontal', parameters.get( 'margin', cfg.margin_horizontal)) mv = parameters.get('margin_vertical', parameters.get( 'margin', cfg.margin_vertical)) pl = parameters.get('padding_left', cfg.padding_left) pr = parameters.get('padding_right', cfg.padding_right) pb = parameters.get('padding_bottom', cfg.padding_bottom) pt = parameters.get('padding_top', cfg.padding_top) ar = parameters.get('aspect_ratio', 4/3) # check width if self.width <= 2 * mh + pl + pr: raise LayoutError(f'width {self.width} is too small') # compute iw = self.width - 2 * mh - pl - pr ih = iw / ar ow = iw + pl + pr oh = ih + pb + pt ox = mh oy = mv ix = ox + pl iy = oy + pb self.height = oh + 2 * mv # create boxes and view outer = Box(ox, oy, ow, oh) inner = Box(ix, iy, iw, ih) self.views = [View(outer, inner)]
class FlexibleGridLayout (**parameters)
layout where views encompass one or more of the cells of a flexible grid
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class FlexibleGridLayout(Layout): "layout where views encompass one or more of the cells of a flexible grid" def __init__(self, **parameters): # process Layout parameters and get defaults self.width = parameters.get('width', cfg.width) = parameters.get('margin_horizontal', parameters.get( 'margin', cfg.margin_horizontal)) = parameters.get('margin_vertical', parameters.get( 'margin', cfg.margin_vertical)) = parameters.get('gap_horizontal', parameters.get( 'gap', cfg.gap_horizontal)) self.gv = parameters.get('gap_vertical', parameters.get( 'gap', cfg.gap_vertical)) = parameters.get('padding_left', cfg.padding_left) = parameters.get('padding_right', cfg.padding_right) self.pb = parameters.get('padding_bottom', cfg.padding_bottom) = parameters.get('padding_top', cfg.padding_top) # initialize list of Views and view parameters self.views = [] self.rf = [] # rows from self.rt = [] # rows to = [] # columns from self.ct = [] # columns to = [] # aspect ratio def add_view(self, rows, cols, aspect_ratio=None): # support specification of single row/col as scalar if not isinstance(rows, rows = [rows] if not isinstance(cols, cols = [cols] # store extent w.r.t. grid & aspect ratio self.rf.append(min(rows)) self.rt.append(max(rows)) self.ct.append(max(cols)) # create & store empty View object v = View() self.views.append(v) # check width if self.width <= (2 * + + + * max(self.ct)): raise LayoutError(f'width {self.width} too small') def _compute(self): # What we have to compute are the outer and inner box of each view. To # do so, we need to know the height of each row and the width of each # column. The constraints that allow to compute these unknowns u are # linear, which means they can be expressed by a matrix equation, # A u = b. The rows of u / columns of A correspond to first the the # row heights and then the column widths, and the rows of A / rows of # b correspond to the constraints. # compute number of rows/cols from maximal view row/col index nr = max(self.rt) + 1 nc = max(self.ct) + 1 # constraints: one global, and one per view n = 1 + len(self.views) A = np.zeros(shape=(n, nr + nc)) b = np.zeros(shape=(n, 1)) # global constraint # The column widths, margins and gaps have to add up to the width. A[0, :] = np.hstack((np.zeros(nr), np.ones(nc))) b[0] = self.width - 2 * - (nc - 1) * # per-view constraints for i in range(len(self.views)): # unpack for shorter code rf = self.rf[i] rt = self.rt[i] cf =[i] ct = self.ct[i] ar =[i] # ignore views with unspecified aspect ratio if ar is None: continue # row heights included in view h = np.zeros(nr) h[rf: rt + 1] = 1 nvr = sum(h) # column widths included in view w = np.zeros(nc) w[cf: ct + 1] = 1 nvc = sum(w) # constraint A[i + 1, :] = np.hstack((-ar * h, w)) b[i + 1] = (( + - (nvc - 1) * - ar * ( + self.pb - (nvr - 1) * self.gv)) # check constraints rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) if rank < nr + nc: print('Warning: The Layout is underdetermined.') # solve expression u = np.linalg.pinv(A) @ b # extract row heights and column widths rh = list(u[:nr].flat) cw = list(u[nr:].flat) # height of figure self.height = sum(rh) + 2 * + (nr - 1) * self.gv # check fulfillment of global constraint # Tolerance: We choose TeX's internal unit, the scaled point "sp", see # The TeXbook, p. 57. tol = 2.54 / 72.27 / 65536 actual_width = sum(cw) + 2 * + (nc - 1) * if abs(actual_width - self.width) > tol: print(f'Warning: Layout width is {actual_width}.') # compute position of view boxes for i in range(len(self.views)): # unpack for shorter code rf = self.rf[i] rt = self.rt[i] cf =[i] ct = self.ct[i] ar =[i] # outer box ox = + sum(cw[:cf]) + cf * oy = + sum(rh[:rf]) + rf * self.gv ow = sum(cw[cf: ct + 1]) + (ct - cf) * oh = sum(rh[rf: rt + 1]) + (rt - rf) * self.gv oy = self.height - oy - oh outer = Box(ox, oy, ow, oh) # inner box ix = ox + iy = oy + self.pb iw = ow - - ih = oh - - self.pb inner = Box(ix, iy, iw, ih) # assign Boxes to View self.views[i].locate(outer, inner) # check fulfillment of per-view constraint if ar is None: continue if abs(iw - ar * ih) > tol: print(f'Warning: View {i} aspect ratio is {iw / ih}.')
def add_view(self, rows, cols, aspect_ratio=None)
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def add_view(self, rows, cols, aspect_ratio=None): # support specification of single row/col as scalar if not isinstance(rows, rows = [rows] if not isinstance(cols, cols = [cols] # store extent w.r.t. grid & aspect ratio self.rf.append(min(rows)) self.rt.append(max(rows)) self.ct.append(max(cols)) # create & store empty View object v = View() self.views.append(v) # check width if self.width <= (2 * + + + * max(self.ct)): raise LayoutError(f'width {self.width} too small')
class LayoutError (*args, **kwargs)
error in computing Layout
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class LayoutError(Exception): """ error in computing Layout """ pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class Figure (layout=None, tempdir=None, cache=True, font=None, opt=None, **layout_parameters)
tikzpicture environment
This is the central class of the module. A picture is created by instantiating
and calling its methods. The object represents both the whole LaTeX document and its singletikzpicture
to use a specific directory for temporary files instead of an automatically created one. Setcache
if the picture should be generated even though the TikZ code has not changed.see §12.2.1
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class Figure(Picture): def __init__(self, layout=None, tempdir=None, cache=True, font=None, opt=None, **layout_parameters): if font is None: font = fontsize(cfg.figure_fontsize) else: font = fontsize(cfg.figure_fontsize) + font super().__init__( tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache, opt=opt, font=font) # process layout if layout is None: layout = SimpleLayout(**layout_parameters) self.layout = layout self.width, self.height = layout.get_dimensions() self.views = layout.get_views() # ensure bounding box of figure self.clip((0, 0), rectangle((self.width, self.height))) # use font Fira self.fira() font_metrics = { 'offset': 0.1, '-': 0.4, '1': 0.56, '2': 0.56, '3': 0.56, '4': 0.56, '5': 0.56, '6': 0.56, '7': 0.56, '8': 0.56, '9': 0.56, '0': 0.56, '.': 0.24, 'height': 0.723} # TODO: general mechanism to register fonts? # or at least keep font activation code and font_metrics together? # create `TicksGenerator` self.ticks_generator = TicksGenerator( cfg.ticks_fontsizes, cfg.tick_density, font_metrics=font_metrics) def draw_layout(self): "draw layout" scope = self.scope(color='red') self.layout._draw(scope) def title(self, label, margin_vertical=None): # TODO: use another parameter name, and corresponding cfg? # spaces are off as they are # Make this a layout option, overridden when creating the layout, # and read from the layout here. if margin_vertical is None: margin_vertical = cfg.margin_vertical scope = self.scope() # position title such that descenders touch Layout scope.node(label, at=(self.width / 2, self.height), anchor='base', yshift='depth("gjpqy")', name='title', outer_sep=0, inner_sep=0) # extend bounding box such that there is space above capital letters # and ascenders scope.path('(title.base)', options(yshift='height("HAbdfhk")'), f'+(0,{margin_vertical})') # Alternatively, one could set the height and depth of the node, # see # Also, predefine this height and depth for ease of use? – No, because # it depends on the font size. But maybe define macros. def axes(self, xlim, ylim, view_no=0, xaxis=True, yaxis=True): a = Axes(self.views[view_no], xlim, ylim, self.ticks_generator, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis) self._append(a) return a
def draw_layout(self)
draw layout
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def draw_layout(self): "draw layout" scope = self.scope(color='red') self.layout._draw(scope)
def title(self, label, margin_vertical=None)
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def title(self, label, margin_vertical=None): # TODO: use another parameter name, and corresponding cfg? # spaces are off as they are # Make this a layout option, overridden when creating the layout, # and read from the layout here. if margin_vertical is None: margin_vertical = cfg.margin_vertical scope = self.scope() # position title such that descenders touch Layout scope.node(label, at=(self.width / 2, self.height), anchor='base', yshift='depth("gjpqy")', name='title', outer_sep=0, inner_sep=0) # extend bounding box such that there is space above capital letters # and ascenders scope.path('(title.base)', options(yshift='height("HAbdfhk")'), f'+(0,{margin_vertical})')
def axes(self, xlim, ylim, view_no=0, xaxis=True, yaxis=True)
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def axes(self, xlim, ylim, view_no=0, xaxis=True, yaxis=True): a = Axes(self.views[view_no], xlim, ylim, self.ticks_generator, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis) self._append(a) return a
def add_preamble(self, code)
Inherited from:
add code to preamble …
def usetikzlibrary(self, name)
Inherited from:
use TikZ library …
def usepackage(self, name, options=None)
Inherited from:
use LaTeX package …
def fira(self)
set font to Fira, also for math …
def code(self)
returns TikZ code
def document_code(self)
Inherited from:
returns LaTeX/TikZ code for a complete compilable document
def write_image(self, filename, dpi=None)
Inherited from:
write picture to image file …
def demo(self, dpi=None)
show picture and code in the notebook …
def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)
create and add scope to the current environment …
def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
path action …
def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
draw action …
def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
fill action …
def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
filldraw action …
def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
pattern action …
def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
shade action …
def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
shadedraw action …
def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
clip action …
def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
useasboundingbox action …
def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)
node action …
def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
coordinate action …
def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec)
Inherited from:
define a new color from a color specification …
def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr)
Inherited from:
define a new color from a color expression …
def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
set options that apply for the rest of the current environment …
def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions)
define style …
class Axes (view, xlim, ylim, ticks_generator, xaxis, yaxis)
scope environment
A scope can be used to group path actions and other commands together, so that options can be applied to them in total.
Do not instantiate this class, but use the
method ofPicture
or another environment.see §12.3.1
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class Axes(Scope): def __init__(self, view, xlim, ylim, ticks_generator, xaxis, yaxis): super().__init__() self.inner = view.inner self.outer = view.outer self.xticks = ticks_generator.ticks(*xlim, self.inner.w, True) self.yticks = ticks_generator.ticks(*ylim, self.inner.h, False) xmin = self.xticks.amin xrange = self.xticks.amax - xmin ymin = self.yticks.amin yrange = self.yticks.amax - ymin # Sub-scope for axes decorations in which the origin remains in the # lower left corner of the figure, and xy remains at its 1 cm default. # Moreover, coordinates are not subject to transformation and drawing # is not clipped. self.decorations = Scope(font=fontsize(cfg.decorations_fontsize)) # convenience x, y, w, h = self.inner.x, self.inner.y, self.inner.w, self.inner.h # Drawing is clipped to the inner box, with a bit of padding. pad = cfg.clip_margin self.clip(f'({x - pad}cm,{y - pad}cm)', rectangle(f'({x + w + pad}cm, {y + h + pad}cm)')) # The Axes scope itself sets an origin in the left bottom corner of # the inner box, and xy set up such that [0, 1] covers the whole inner # width / height. self.tikzset(xshift=f'{x}cm', yshift=f'{y}cm', x=f'{w}cm', y=f'{h}cm') # coordinate limits from tex_maxdimen cxmin = (-tex_maxdimen - x) / w * xrange + xmin cxmax = (tex_maxdimen - x) / w * xrange + xmin cymin = (-tex_maxdimen - y) / h * yrange + ymin cymax = (tex_maxdimen - y) / h * yrange + ymin # Transformation which maps coordinates from the axis' ranges # onto [0, 1], to be passed to *`.code()` and `_coordinate_code`. def transformation(coord): cx, cy = coord if not isinstance(cx, str): # check too large if cx < cxmin: print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cx} clipped to {cxmin}.') cx = cxmin if cx > cxmax: print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cx} clipped to {cxmax}.') cx = cxmax # transform x cx = (cx - xmin) / xrange if not isinstance(cy, str): # check too large if cy < cymin: print(f'Warning: y coordinate {cy} clipped to {cymin}.') cy = cymin if cy > cymax: print(f'Warning: x coordinate {cy} clipped to {cymax}.') cy = cymax # transform y cy = (cy - ymin) / yrange return cx, cy self.trans = transformation # TODO: postpone to allow modification? # or let specify Ticks instead of xlim, ylim? if xaxis: self.xaxis() if yaxis: self.yaxis() def xaxis(self): d = self.decorations i = self.inner o = cfg.axis_offset tl = cfg.tick_length t = self.xticks if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize: font = fontsize(t.font_size) else: font = None rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90 d.draw((i.x, i.y - o), lineto((i.x + i.w, i.y - o)), line_cap='round') for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels): x = i.x + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.w if t.horizontal: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='north') else: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='east') d.draw((x, i.y - o), lineto((x, i.y - o - tl)), n) if t.plabel is not None: d.draw((i.x + i.w, i.y), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'), anchor='west') # TODO: standardize / `cfg`urize label and plabel padding def yaxis(self): d = self.decorations i = self.inner o = cfg.axis_offset tl = cfg.tick_length t = self.yticks if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize: font = fontsize(t.font_size) else: font = None rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90 d.draw((i.x - o, i.y), lineto((i.x - o, i.y + i.h)), line_cap='round') for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels): y = i.y + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.h if t.horizontal: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='east') else: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='south') d.draw((i.x - o, y), lineto((i.x - o - tl, y)), n) if t.plabel is not None: d.draw((i.x, i.y + i.h), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'), anchor='south') # TODO: yaxis_right, maybe xaxis_top # Axes options yaxis= 'left', 'right', None # privatize xaxis, yaxis? def _code(self): "returns TikZ code" code = (self.decorations._code() + '\n' + super()._code(self.trans)) return code
def xaxis(self)
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def xaxis(self): d = self.decorations i = self.inner o = cfg.axis_offset tl = cfg.tick_length t = self.xticks if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize: font = fontsize(t.font_size) else: font = None rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90 d.draw((i.x, i.y - o), lineto((i.x + i.w, i.y - o)), line_cap='round') for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels): x = i.x + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.w if t.horizontal: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='north') else: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='east') d.draw((x, i.y - o), lineto((x, i.y - o - tl)), n) if t.plabel is not None: d.draw((i.x + i.w, i.y), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'), anchor='west')
def yaxis(self)
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def yaxis(self): d = self.decorations i = self.inner o = cfg.axis_offset tl = cfg.tick_length t = self.yticks if t.font_size != cfg.decorations_fontsize: font = fontsize(t.font_size) else: font = None rotate = None if t.horizontal else 90 d.draw((i.x - o, i.y), lineto((i.x - o, i.y + i.h)), line_cap='round') for v, l in zip(t.values, t.labels): y = i.y + (v - t.amin) / (t.amax - t.amin) * i.h if t.horizontal: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='east') else: n = node(f'${l}$', font=font, rotate=rotate, anchor='south') d.draw((i.x - o, y), lineto((i.x - o - tl, y)), n) if t.plabel is not None: d.draw((i.x, i.y + i.h), node(f'$10^{{{t.plabel}}}$'), anchor='south')
def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)
create and add scope to the current environment …
def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
path action …
def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
draw action …
def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
fill action …
def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
filldraw action …
def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
pattern action …
def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
shade action …
def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
shadedraw action …
def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
clip action …
def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
useasboundingbox action …
def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)
node action …
def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)
Inherited from:
coordinate action …
def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec)
Inherited from:
define a new color from a color specification …
def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr)
Inherited from:
define a new color from a color expression …
def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)
set options that apply for the rest of the current environment …
def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions)
define style …