Module tikz

This module provides a way to create, compile, view, and save graphics based on the LaTeX package TikZ & PGF. It makes the creation of TikZ graphics easier when (part of) the underlying data is computed, and makes the preview and debugging of graphics within a Jupyter notebook seamless.

This documentation explains only how to access TikZ' functionality from Python. To understand it, the TikZ & PGF manual needs to be consulted in parallel. A notebook contains examples to get you started.


The module exposes the basic graphics functionality of TikZ, as described in Part III of the manual, except for some specialized functions with complex syntax (pics, graphs, matrices, trees).

At its center is the class Picture. It primarily represents a tikzpicture environment, but also provides methods to create a complete LaTeX document and compile it in the background. Methods of the class serve mainly to insert TikZ commands into this environment, but also allow to load necessary TikZ libraries and LaTeX packages.

LaTeX documents created by this package always contain a single tikzpicture environment, and the document is compiled in such a way that a PDF containing only that picture's bounding box is created. The picture can be directly displayed in a notebook, saved as a PDF, converted to PNG or SVG, and the resulting image file used in another application or again in LaTeX. It is also possible to show the TikZ code corresponding to the picture and copy & paste it into a LaTeX document of your own.


TikZ' basic design comprises

  • (sequences of) coordinates,
  • path operations,
  • path specifications created from the combination of the first two, and
  • path actions.

Path actions and other commands are grouped in scope environments. In addition, there are options which can be attached to a path action, path operation, or environment but can also be embedded in a path specification. In the following it is explained how these TikZ stuctures are mapped to Python in this module.


A coordinate can be specified as a tuple or a NumPy 1d-ndarray with 2 or 3 elements, or as a string.

Elements of tuples can be numbers or strings. If all elements are numeric, it specifies coordinates in TikZ' xyz coordinate system. If all are strings (normally a number plus a unit like '2pt') it specifies coordinates in TikZ' canvas coordinate system. Otherwise it specifies a mixed xyz/canvas coordinate.

ndarrays must be numeric and represent coordinates in TikZ' xyz coordinate system.

Strings can be used to specify coordinates in TikZ' other coordinate systems, e.g. polar, perpendicular, and node. Coordinate-specifying strings are enclosed in parentheses (), possibly prefixed by + or ++ (relative / incremental coordinates). A special case is the coordinate 'cycle', which can be created by the function cycle().

If an argument is intended to be a coordinate, it is normally named coord.

Sequence of coordinates

A sequence of coordinates is specified as a list of coordinates as described above, or as a numeric 2d-ndarray with 2 or 3 columns, representing xyz coordinates.

If an argument is expected to be a sequence of coordinates, it is normally named coords. Often, a single coordinate can be given in place of a sequence.

Path operation

A path operation is specified as an object of a subclass of Operation. The subclass names are lowercase, because in practical use these classes act similar to functions, i.e. they are only instantiated, not manipulated.

A path operation is normally not used as a single argument, but as part of a path specification. Some path operations accept options.

Path specification

A path specification is specified as a sequence of path operations and (sequences of) coordinates (shorthand for moveto operations). It can also include options and strings.

A path specification is normally passed as a sequence of arguments named **spec to a path action method.

Path action

A path action is specified as a method of Picture and other environments. Several method calls in sequence create a sequence of path actions.

A path action method typically accepts a path specification as well as options as arguments.


A scope environment can be added to a Picture or another environment using the method environment.add_scope(). This creates a Scope object, adds it to the environment and returns it. To add path actions and other commands to the environment, call the methods on the returned object.


An option is specified as a keyword argument (**kwoptions) and/or as a string (opt); the string is included as-is in the TikZ-formatted option string. TikZ keys that contain spaces are specified with an underscore _ in their place. TikZ keys that do not take a value are specified with the value True. Keys with the value None are not passed to TikZ.

For embedding options within a path specification, the function options() can be used.

Classes, methods or functions that accept options contain opt=None, **kwoptions in their signature.


TikZ automatically loads the LaTeX package xcolor, which means that a large number of named colors can be used within pictures. The package also allows to define new colors based on a variety of color models as well as through mixture of known colors, exposed through the environment.definecolor() and environment.colorlet() methods of Picture and other environments.

Expand source code
This module provides a way to create, compile, view, and save graphics based
on the LaTeX package [TikZ & PGF]( It makes the
creation of TikZ graphics easier when (part of) the underlying data is
computed, and makes the preview and debugging of graphics within a Jupyter
notebook seamless.

.. include::
   :start-line: 4

# Copyright (C) 2020 Carsten Allefeld

import atexit
import base64
import hashlib
import html
import numbers
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

import fitz
import IPython.display
import numpy as np

class cfg:
    "tikz configuration variables"

    display_dpi = 96
    resolution at which the graphic is rendered for display in the notebook

    The default is 96, the standard monitor resolution.

    file_dpi = 300
    resolution at which the graphic is rendered for saved PNG files

    The default is 300.

    latex = 'xelatex'
    name of the executable used to compile the LaTeX document

    demo_template = '\n'.join([
        '<div style="background-color:#e0e0e0;margin:0">',
        '  <div>',
        '    <div style="padding:10px;float:left">'
        '      <img src="data:image/png;base64,{0}">',
        '    </div>',
        '    <pre',
        '        style="width:47%;margin:0;padding:10px;float:right;'
        + 'white-space:pre-wrap;font-size:smaller"',
        '        >{1}</pre>',
        '  </div>',
        '  <div style="clear:both"></div>',
    HTML template used by `Picture.demo` for notebook display

    The template must contain two placeholders: `{0}` is replaced by a
    Base64-encoded PNG-format rendering of the graphic, `{1}`by the output of

# helper functions and helper-helper functions

def _option_code(key, val):
    returns TikZ code for single option

    helper function for `_options`
    # replace underscores by spaces
    key = str(key).replace('_', ' ')
    if val is True:
        # omit `=True`
        return key
        return f'{key}={str(val)}'

def _options_code(opt=None, **kwoptions):
    returns TikZ code for options

    helper function to format `opt=None, **kwoptions` in various functions
    # use `_option_code` to transform individual options
    o = [_option_code(key, val) for key, val in kwoptions.items()
         if val is not None]
    # insert raw string
    if opt is not None:
        o.insert(0, opt)
    # create TikZ code
    code = '[' + ','.join(o) + ']'
    # suppress empty options
    if code == '[]':
        code = ''
    return code

# check types
def _str(obj): return isinstance(obj, str)
def _tuple(obj): return isinstance(obj, tuple)
def _numeric(obj): return isinstance(obj, numbers.Real)
def _str_or_numeric(obj): return _str(obj) or _numeric(obj)
def _ndarray(obj): return isinstance(obj, np.ndarray)
def _list(obj): return isinstance(obj, list)                                        # noqa E302

def _coordinate(coord):
    check and normalize coordinate
    # A coordinate can be a string with enclosing parentheses, possibly
    # prefixed by `+` or `++`, or the string 'cycle'.
    if _str(coord) and (
            (coord.startswith(('(', '+(', '++(')) and coord.endswith(')'))
            or coord == 'cycle'):
        return coord
    # A coordinate can be a 2/3-element tuple containing strings or numbers:
    if (_tuple(coord) and len(coord) in [2, 3]
            and all(_str_or_numeric(x) for x in coord)):
        # If all strings, normalize to string.
        if all(_str(x) for x in coord):
            return '(' + ','.join(coord) + ')'
        # If all numbers, normalize to ndarray.
        if all(_numeric(x) for x in coord):
            return np.array(coord)
        # If mixed, keep.
        return coord
    # A coordinate can be a 2/3-element 1d-ndarray.
    if (_ndarray(coord) and coord.ndim == 1 and coord.size in [2, 3]
            and all(_numeric(x) for x in coord)):
        return coord
    # Otherwise, report error.
    raise TypeError(f'{coord} is not a coordinate')

def _sequence(seq, accept_coordinate=True):
    check and normalize sequence of coordinates

    accept_coordinate: whether to accept a single coordinate
    # A sequence can be a list.
    if _list(seq):
        # Normalize contained coordinates.
        seq = [_coordinate(coord) for coord in seq]
        # If all coordinates are 1d-ndarrays, make the sequence a 2d-ndarray.
        if (all(_ndarray(coord) for coord in seq)
                and all(coord.size == seq[0].size for coord in seq)):
            return np.array(seq)
        return seq
    # A sequence can be a numeric 2d-ndarray with 2 or 3 columns.
    if (_ndarray(seq) and seq.ndim == 2 and seq.shape[1] in [2, 3]
            and all(_numeric(x) for x in seq.flat)):
        return seq
    # Optionally accept a coordinate and turn it into a 1-element sequence.
    if accept_coordinate:
        return _sequence([seq])
    # Otherwise, report error.
    raise TypeError(f'{seq} is not a sequence of coordinates')

def _str_or_numeric_code(x):
    transform element of coordinate into TikZ representation

    Leaves string elements as is, and converts numeric elements to a
    fixed-point representation with 5 decimals precision (TikZ: ±16383.99999)
    without trailing '0's or '.'
    if _str(x):
        # leave string as-is
        return x
        # convert numeric elements to a fixed-point representation with 5
        # decimals precision (TikZ: ±16383.99999) without trailing '0's or '.'
        return '{:.5f}'.format(x).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

def _coordinate_code(coord, trans=None):
    "returns TikZ code for coordinate"
    # assumes the argument has already been normalized
    if _str(coord):
        # leave string as-is
        return coord
        if trans is not None:
            coord = trans(coord)
        return '(' + ','.join(map(_str_or_numeric_code, coord)) + ')'

# coordinates

def cycle():
    "cycle coordinate"
    return 'cycle'

# raw object

class Raw:
    raw TikZ code object

    In order to support TikZ features that are not explicitly modelled, objects
    of this class encapsulate a string which is copied as-is into the TikZ
    code. `Raw` objects can be used in place of `Operation` and `Action`
    objects. Normally it is not necessary to explicily instantiate this class,
    because the respective methods accept strings and convert them into `Raw`
    objects internally.
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        returns TikZ code

        Returns the stored string.
        return self.string

# path operations (§14)

class Operation:
    path operation

    Path operations are modelled as `Operation` objects.

    Names for `Operation` subclasses are lowercase, because from a user
    perspective they act like functions; no method call or field access should
    be performed on their instances.

    This is an abstract superclass that is not to be instantiated.
    def _code(self):
        "returns TikZ code"

class moveto(Operation):
    one or several move-to operations

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    See [§14.1](
    def __init__(self, coords):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True)

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put move-to operation before each coordinate,
        # for the first one implicitly
        return ' '.join(_coordinate_code(coord, trans)
                        for coord in self.coords)

class lineto(Operation):
    one or several line-to operations of the same type

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    `op` can be `'--'` for straight lines (default), `'-|'` for first
    horizontal, then vertical, or `'|-'` for first vertical, then horizontal.

    see [§14.2](
    def __init__(self, coords, op='--'):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True)
        self.op = op

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put line-to operation before each coordinate
        return f'{self.op} ' + f' {self.op} '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords)

class line(Operation):
    convenience version of `lineto`

    Starts with move-to instead of line-to operation.
    def __init__(self, coords, op='--'):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords)
        self.op = op

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put line-to operation between coordinates
        # (implicit move-to before first)
        return f' {self.op} '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords)

class curveto(Operation):
    curve-to operation

    `coord`, `control1`, and the optional `control2` must be coordinates.

    see [§14.3](
    def __init__(self, coord, control1, control2=None):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.control1 = _coordinate(control1)
        if control2 is not None:
            self.control2 = _coordinate(control2)
            self.control2 = None

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        code = '.. controls ' + _coordinate_code(self.control1, trans)
        if self.control2 is not None:
            code += ' and ' + _coordinate_code(self.control2, trans)
        code += ' ..' + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans)
        return code

class rectangle(Operation):
    rectangle operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate

    see [§14.4](
    def __init__(self, coord):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('rectangle ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))

class circle(Operation):
    circle operation

    Either `radius` or `x_radius` and `y_radius` (for an ellipse) must be
    given. If all are specified, `radius` overrides the other two options. They
    can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

    The circle is centered at the current coordinate, unless another coordinate
    is given as `at`.

    see [§14.6](
    def __init__(self, radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None, at=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if radius is not None:
            self.x_radius = radius
            self.y_radius = radius
            self.x_radius = x_radius
            self.y_radius = y_radius
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        x_radius, y_radius = self.x_radius, self.y_radius
        if trans is not None:
            x_radius, y_radius = trans(x_radius, y_radius)
        if x_radius == y_radius:
            kwoptions['radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['x_radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['y_radius'] = y_radius
        if is not None:
            kwoptions['at'] = _coordinate_code(, None)
        return 'circle' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)

class arc(Operation):
    arc operation

    Either `radius` or `x_radius` and `y_radius` (for an elliptical arc) must
    be given. If all are specified, `radius` overrides the other two options.
    They can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

    see [§14.7](
    def __init__(self, radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if radius is not None:
            self.x_radius = radius
            self.y_radius = radius
            self.x_radius = x_radius
            self.y_radius = y_radius
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        x_radius, y_radius = self.x_radius, self.y_radius
        if trans is not None:
            x_radius, y_radius = trans(x_radius, y_radius)
        if x_radius == y_radius:
            kwoptions['radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['x_radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['y_radius'] = y_radius
        return 'arc' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **kwoptions)

class grid(Operation):
    grid operation

    Either `step` or `xstep` and `ystep` must be given. If all are specified,
    `step` overrides the other two options. They can be numbers or a string
    containing a number and a dimension. Specifying `step` as a coordinate is
    not supported, use `xstep` and `ystep` instead.

    see [§14.8](
    def __init__(self, coord, step=None, xstep=None, ystep=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if step is not None:
            self.xstep = step
            self.ystep = step
            self.xstep = xstep
            self.ystep = ystep
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        xstep, ystep = self.xstep, self.ystep
        if trans is not None:
            xstep, ystep = trans(xstep, ystep)
        if xstep == ystep:
            kwoptions['step'] = xstep
            kwoptions['xstep'] = xstep
            kwoptions['ystep'] = ystep
        return ('grid' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))

class parabola(Operation):
    parabola operation

    `coord` and the optional `bend` must be coordinates.

    see [§14.9](
    def __init__(self, coord, bend=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        if bend is not None:
            self.bend = _coordinate(bend)
            self.bend = None
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        code = 'parabola' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        if self.bend is not None:
            code += ' bend ' + _coordinate_code(self.bend, trans)
        code += ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans)
        return code

class sin(Operation):
    sine operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.10](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('sin' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))

class cos(Operation):
    cosine operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.10](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('cos' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))

class topath(Operation):
    to-path operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.13](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('to' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))

class node(Operation):
    node operation

    `contents` must be a string containing the node text, and may be LaTeX

    The optional `name` must be a string, which allows later references to the
    coordinate `(`name`)` in TikZ' node coordinate system.

    The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the
    optional coordinate `at` is given.

    Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static
    image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because
    it can be replaced by a Python loop.

    see [§17](
    # Provides 'headless' mode for `Scope.node` and `Scope.coordinate`
    def __init__(self, contents, name=None, at=None, _headless=False,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions): = name
        self.contents = contents
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.headless = _headless
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        if not self.headless:
            code = 'node'
            code = ''
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        if is not None:
            code += f' ({})'
        if is not None:
            code += ' at ' + _coordinate_code(, trans)
        code += ' {' + self.contents + '}'
        if self.headless:
            code = code.lstrip()
        return code

class coordinate(Operation):
    coordinate operation

    `name` must be a string, which allows later references to the coordinate
    `(`name`)` in TikZ' node coordinate system.

    The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the
    optional coordinate `at` is given.

    Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static
    image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because
    it can be replaced by a Python loop.

    def __init__(self, name, at=None, _headless=False, opt=None, **kwoptions): = name
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.headless = _headless
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        if not self.headless:
            code = 'coordinate'
            code = ''
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        code += f' ({})'
        if is not None:
            code += ' at ' + _coordinate_code(, trans)
        if self.headless:
            code = code.lstrip()
        return code

class plot(Operation):
    plot operation

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    The optional `to` determines whether a line-to operation is included before
    the plot operation.

    The difference between `plot coordinates` and `plot file` is not exposed;
    the decision whether to specify coordinates inline in the TikZ code or
    provide them through a file is made internally. Coordinate expressions and
    gnuplot formulas are not supported.

    see [§22](
    def __init__(self, coords, to=False, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True) = to
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # TODO: Use the 'file' variant as an alternative to 'coordinates' when
        #   there are many points.
            code = '--plot'
            code = 'plot'
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        code += ' coordinates {' + ' '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords) + '}'
        return code

def options(opt=None, **kwoptions):
    in-path options

    Though this is not a path operation, it can be specified at an arbitrary
    position within a path specification. It sets options for the rest of the
    path (unless they are path-global).
    # just a wrapper around _options_code
    return _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)

def fontsize(size, skip=None):
    code for LaTeX command to change the font size

    Can be specified e.g. as the value of a `font=` option.
    if skip is None:
        # 20% leading
        skip = round(1.2 * size, 2)
    return f'\\fontsize{{{size}}}{{{skip}}}\\selectfont'

# actions on paths

def _operation(op):
    check and normalize path specification elements

    The elements of a path specification argument (`*spec`) can be `Operation`
    objects (left as is), (lists of) coordinates (converted to `moveto`
    objects), and strings (converted to `Raw` objects).

    helper function for `Action`
    if isinstance(op, Operation):
        # leave `Operation` as is
        return op
    if _str(op):
        # convert string to `Raw` object
        return Raw(op)
    return moveto(op)

class Action:
    action on path

    Objects of this class are used to represent path actions. It is not
    normally necessary to instantiate this class, because `Action` objects are
    created and added implicitly by environment methods like

    see [§15](
    def __init__(self, action_name, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        self.action_name = action_name
        # normalize path specification
        self.spec = [_operation(op) for op in spec]
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        "returns TikZ code"
        return ('\\' + self.action_name
                + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + ' '.join(op._code(trans) for op in self.spec) + ';')

# environments

class Scope:
    scope environment

    A scope can be used to group path actions and other commands together, so
    that options can be applied to them in total.

    Do not instantiate this class, but use the
    [<code>scope()</code>](#tikz.Scope.addscope) method of `Picture` or
    another environment.


    def __init__(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        self.elements = []
        self.opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)

    def _append(self, el):
        append element

        Elements of an environment object can be `Action` objects (for path
        actions), `Raw` objects (for other commands), or other environment

    def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        create and add scope to the current environment

        A `Scope` object is created, added, and returned.
        s = Scope(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        return s

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        "returns TikZ code"
        code = r'\begin{scope}' + self.opt + '\n'
        code += '\n'.join(el._code(trans) for el in self.elements) + '\n'
        code += r'\end{scope}'
        return code

    # add actions on paths (§15)

    def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        path action

        The `path` path action is the prototype of all path actions. It
        represents a pure path, one that is not used for drawing, filling or
        other creation of visible elements, unless instructed to do so by

        `*spec` is one or more arguments giving the path specification,
        `opt=None, **kwoptions` can be used to specify options.

        see [§14](
        self._append(Action('path', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        draw action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('draw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        fill action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, fill=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('fill', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        filldraw action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, fill=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
        self._append(Action('filldraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        pattern action

        for [<code>path(…, pattern=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('pattern', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        shade action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, shade=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('shade', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        shadedraw action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, shade=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
        self._append(Action('shadedraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        clip action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, clip=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('clip', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        useasboundingbox action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, use_as_bounding_box=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('useasboundingbox', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        node action

        Abbreviation for

            'node', node(contents, name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
            opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        coordinate action

        Abbreviation for

        "coordinate action"
            'coordinate', coordinate(name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
            opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    # other commands

    def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec):
        define a new color from a color specification

        Define a new color `name` from a color model `colormodel` and a color
        specification `colorspec`. All arguments are strings.

        if not isinstance(colorspec, str):
            colorspec = ','.join(colorspec)
        self._append(Raw(r'\definecolor' + '{' + name + '}{'
                     + colormodel + '}{' + colorspec + '}'))

    def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr):
        define a new color from a color expression

        Define a new color `name` from color expression `colorexpr`. All
        arguments are strings.

        self._append(Raw(r'\colorlet' + '{' + name + '}{' + colorexpr + '}'))

    def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        set options that apply for the rest of the current environment

        # create options string without brackets
        opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
            opt = opt[1:-1]
        # because braces are needed
        self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + opt + '}'))

    def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        define style

        Defines a new style `name` by the given options. In the following, this
        style can be used whereever options are accepted, and acts as if these
        options had been given directly. It can also be used to override
        TikZ' default styles like the default draw style.

        # create options string without brackets
        opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
            opt = opt[1:-1]
        # because braces are needed
        self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + name + '/.style={' + opt + '}}'))

class Picture(Scope):
    tikzpicture environment

    This is the central class of the module. A picture is created by
    instantiating `Picture` and calling its methods. The object represents both
    the whole LaTeX document and its single `tikzpicture` environment.

    Set `tempdir` to use a specific directory for temporary files instead of an
    automatically created one. Set `cache` to `False` if the picture should be
    generated even though the TikZ code has not changed.


    def __init__(self, tempdir=None, cache=True, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        super().__init__(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        # additional preamble entries
        self.preamble = []
        # should the created PDF be cached?
        self.cache = cache
        # create temporary directory for pdflatex etc.
        if tempdir is None:
            self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tikz-')
            # make sure it gets deleted
            atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
            self.tempdir = tempdir

    def add_preamble(self, code):
        add code to preamble

        Adds arbitrary LaTeX code to the document preamble. Since the code will
        typically contain backslash characters, use of a Python 'raw' string is

        If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, the
        code is only added once.
        if code not in self.preamble:

    def usetikzlibrary(self, name):
        use TikZ library

        Makes the functionality of the TikZ library `name` available.

        This adds a `\\usetikzlibrary` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
        document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
        arguments, only one such command is added.

        [Part V](
        self.add_preamble(r'\usetikzlibrary{' + name + '}')

    def usepackage(self, name, options=None):
        use LaTeX package

        Makes the functionality of the LaTeX package `name` available. If
        specified, package <code>options</code> are set.

        This adds a `\\usepackage` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
        document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
        arguments, only one such command is added.
        code = r'\usepackage'
        if options is not None:
            code += '[' + options + ']'
        code += '{' + name + '}'

    def fira(self):
        set font to Fira, also for math

        Warning: Fira Math works only with xelatex and lualatex!
        self.usepackage('FiraSans', 'sfdefault')
        self.usepackage('unicode-math', 'mathrm=sym')
        self.add_preamble(r'\setmathfont{Fira Math}[math-style=ISO,'

    # code / pdf creation: private
    # private functions assume that code / pdf has already been created

    def _update(self):
        "ensure that up-to-date code & PDF file exists"

        sep = os.path.sep

        # create tikzpicture code
        code = (r'\begin{tikzpicture}' + self.opt + '\n'
                + '\n'.join(el._code() for el in self.elements) + '\n'
                + r'\end{tikzpicture}')
        self._code = code

        # create document code
        # standard preamble
        codelines = [
        # user-added preamble
        codelines += self.preamble
        # document body
        codelines += [
        code = '\n'.join(codelines)
        self._document_code = code

        # We don't want a PDF file of the whole LaTeX document, but only of the
        # contents of the `tikzpicture` environment. This is achieved using
        # TikZ' `external` library, which makes TikZ write out pictures as
        # individual PDF files. To do so, in a normal pdflatex run TikZ calls
        # pdflatex again with special arguments. We use these special
        # arguments directly. See section 53 of the PGF/TikZ manual.

        # does the PDF file have to be created?
        #  This check is implemented by using the SHA1 digest of the LaTeX code
        # in the PDF filename, and to skip creation if that file exists.
        hash = hashlib.sha1(code.encode()).hexdigest()
        self.temp_pdf = self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz-' + hash + '.pdf'
        if self.cache and os.path.isfile(self.temp_pdf):

        # create LaTeX file
        temp_tex = self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz.tex'
        with open(temp_tex, 'w') as f:
            f.write(code + '\n')

        # process LaTeX file into PDF
        completed =
        self.latex_completed = completed
        if completed.returncode != 0:
            raise LatexError('LaTeX has failed\n' + completed.stdout)

        # rename created PDF file
        os.rename(self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz-figure0.pdf', self.temp_pdf)

    def _get_SVG(self):
        "return SVG data of `Picture`"
        # convert PDF to SVG using PyMuPDF
        doc =
        page = doc.loadPage(0)
        svg = page.getSVGimage()
        return svg

    def _get_PNG(self, dpi=None):
        "return PNG data of `Picture`"
        if dpi is None:
            dpi = cfg.display_dpi
        # convert PDF to PNG using PyMuPDF
        zoom = dpi / 72
        doc =
        page = doc.loadPage(0)
        pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom))
        return pix.getPNGdata()

    # code / pdf creation: public
    # public functions make sure that code / pdf is created via `_update`

    def code(self):
        "returns TikZ code"
        return self._code

    def document_code(self):
        "returns LaTeX/TikZ code for a complete compilable document"
        return self._document_code

    def write_image(self, filename, dpi=None):
        write picture to image file

        The file type is determined from the file extension, and can be PDF,
        PNG, or SVG. For PDF, the file created by LaTeX is copied to
        `filename`. For PNG, the PDF is rendered to a bitmap. If the
        resolution `dpi` is not specified, `cfg.file_dpi` is used. For
        SVG, the PDF is converted to SVG.

        Rendering and conversion are performed by the
        [MuPDF library]( through the Python binding
        if dpi is None:
            dpi = cfg.file_dpi
        # determine extension
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        # if a PDF is requested,
        if ext.lower() == '.pdf':
            # just copy the file
            shutil.copyfile(self.temp_pdf, filename)
        elif ext.lower() == '.png':
            # render PDF as PNG using PyMuPDF
            zoom = dpi / 72
            doc =
            page = doc.loadPage(0)
            pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom), alpha=True)
        elif ext.lower() == '.svg':
            # convert PDF to SVG using PyMuPDF
            svg = self._get_SVG()
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            raise ValueError(f'format {ext[1:]} is not supported')

    def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include, exclude, **kwargs):
        "display image in notebook"
        # For the "plot viewer" of vscode-python to be activated, apparently it
        # is necessary to provide both a PNG and an SVG.
        # Note that SVG rendering in the "plot viewer" is not entirely
        # accurate, see
        data = {
            'image/png': self._get_PNG(),
            'image/svg+xml': self._get_SVG()
        return data

    def demo(self, dpi=None):
        show picture and code in the notebook

        This is a convenience function meant to aid development and debugging
        of a picture in a Jupyter notebook. It creates an output cell that (by
        default) contains the rendered picture on the left and the
        corresponding TikZ code on the right. This layout can be modified via
        `cfg.demo_template`. The optional argument `dpi` can be used to
        override the default `cfg.display_dpi`.
        png_base64 = ''
            png_base64 = base64.b64encode(
        except LatexError as le:
            message = le.args[0]
            tikz_error = message.find('! ')
            if tikz_error != -1:
                message = message[tikz_error:]
            print('LatexError: LaTeX has failed')
        code_escaped = html.escape(self._code)
                cfg.demo_template.format(png_base64, code_escaped)))

class LatexError(Exception):
    error in the external LaTeX process



Extended-Wilkinson algorithm for tick values and labels …


specific parameters: - width - rows/columns for each view - aspect ratio for each view …


def cycle()

cycle coordinate

Expand source code
def cycle():
    "cycle coordinate"
    return 'cycle'
def options(opt=None, **kwoptions)

in-path options

Though this is not a path operation, it can be specified at an arbitrary position within a path specification. It sets options for the rest of the path (unless they are path-global).

Expand source code
def options(opt=None, **kwoptions):
    in-path options

    Though this is not a path operation, it can be specified at an arbitrary
    position within a path specification. It sets options for the rest of the
    path (unless they are path-global).
    # just a wrapper around _options_code
    return _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
def fontsize(size, skip=None)

code for LaTeX command to change the font size

Can be specified e.g. as the value of a font= option.

Expand source code
def fontsize(size, skip=None):
    code for LaTeX command to change the font size

    Can be specified e.g. as the value of a `font=` option.
    if skip is None:
        # 20% leading
        skip = round(1.2 * size, 2)
    return f'\\fontsize{{{size}}}{{{skip}}}\\selectfont'


class cfg (*args, **kwargs)

tikz configuration variables

Expand source code
class cfg:
    "tikz configuration variables"

    display_dpi = 96
    resolution at which the graphic is rendered for display in the notebook

    The default is 96, the standard monitor resolution.

    file_dpi = 300
    resolution at which the graphic is rendered for saved PNG files

    The default is 300.

    latex = 'xelatex'
    name of the executable used to compile the LaTeX document

    demo_template = '\n'.join([
        '<div style="background-color:#e0e0e0;margin:0">',
        '  <div>',
        '    <div style="padding:10px;float:left">'
        '      <img src="data:image/png;base64,{0}">',
        '    </div>',
        '    <pre',
        '        style="width:47%;margin:0;padding:10px;float:right;'
        + 'white-space:pre-wrap;font-size:smaller"',
        '        >{1}</pre>',
        '  </div>',
        '  <div style="clear:both"></div>',
    HTML template used by `Picture.demo` for notebook display

    The template must contain two placeholders: `{0}` is replaced by a
    Base64-encoded PNG-format rendering of the graphic, `{1}`by the output of

Class variables

var display_dpi

resolution at which the graphic is rendered for display in the notebook

The default is 96, the standard monitor resolution.

var file_dpi

resolution at which the graphic is rendered for saved PNG files

The default is 300.

var latex

name of the executable used to compile the LaTeX document

var demo_template

HTML template used by Picture.demo() for notebook display

The template must contain two placeholders: {0} is replaced by a Base64-encoded PNG-format rendering of the graphic, {1}by the output of Picture.code().

class Raw (string)

raw TikZ code object

In order to support TikZ features that are not explicitly modelled, objects of this class encapsulate a string which is copied as-is into the TikZ code. Raw objects can be used in place of Operation and Action objects. Normally it is not necessary to explicily instantiate this class, because the respective methods accept strings and convert them into Raw objects internally.

Expand source code
class Raw:
    raw TikZ code object

    In order to support TikZ features that are not explicitly modelled, objects
    of this class encapsulate a string which is copied as-is into the TikZ
    code. `Raw` objects can be used in place of `Operation` and `Action`
    objects. Normally it is not necessary to explicily instantiate this class,
    because the respective methods accept strings and convert them into `Raw`
    objects internally.
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        returns TikZ code

        Returns the stored string.
        return self.string
class Operation (*args, **kwargs)

path operation

Path operations are modelled as Operation objects.

Names for Operation subclasses are lowercase, because from a user perspective they act like functions; no method call or field access should be performed on their instances.

This is an abstract superclass that is not to be instantiated.

Expand source code
class Operation:
    path operation

    Path operations are modelled as `Operation` objects.

    Names for `Operation` subclasses are lowercase, because from a user
    perspective they act like functions; no method call or field access should
    be performed on their instances.

    This is an abstract superclass that is not to be instantiated.
    def _code(self):
        "returns TikZ code"


class moveto (coords)

one or several move-to operations

coords can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

See §14.1

Expand source code
class moveto(Operation):
    one or several move-to operations

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    See [§14.1](
    def __init__(self, coords):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True)

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put move-to operation before each coordinate,
        # for the first one implicitly
        return ' '.join(_coordinate_code(coord, trans)
                        for coord in self.coords)


class lineto (coords, op='--')

one or several line-to operations of the same type

coords can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

op can be '--' for straight lines (default), '-|' for first horizontal, then vertical, or '|-' for first vertical, then horizontal.

see §14.2

Expand source code
class lineto(Operation):
    one or several line-to operations of the same type

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    `op` can be `'--'` for straight lines (default), `'-|'` for first
    horizontal, then vertical, or `'|-'` for first vertical, then horizontal.

    see [§14.2](
    def __init__(self, coords, op='--'):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True)
        self.op = op

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put line-to operation before each coordinate
        return f'{self.op} ' + f' {self.op} '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords)


class line (coords, op='--')

convenience version of lineto

Starts with move-to instead of line-to operation.

Expand source code
class line(Operation):
    convenience version of `lineto`

    Starts with move-to instead of line-to operation.
    def __init__(self, coords, op='--'):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords)
        self.op = op

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # put line-to operation between coordinates
        # (implicit move-to before first)
        return f' {self.op} '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords)


class curveto (coord, control1, control2=None)

curve-to operation

coord, control1, and the optional control2 must be coordinates.

see §14.3

Expand source code
class curveto(Operation):
    curve-to operation

    `coord`, `control1`, and the optional `control2` must be coordinates.

    see [§14.3](
    def __init__(self, coord, control1, control2=None):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.control1 = _coordinate(control1)
        if control2 is not None:
            self.control2 = _coordinate(control2)
            self.control2 = None

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        code = '.. controls ' + _coordinate_code(self.control1, trans)
        if self.control2 is not None:
            code += ' and ' + _coordinate_code(self.control2, trans)
        code += ' ..' + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans)
        return code


class rectangle (coord)

rectangle operation

coord must be a coordinate

see §14.4

Expand source code
class rectangle(Operation):
    rectangle operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate

    see [§14.4](
    def __init__(self, coord):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('rectangle ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))


class circle (radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

circle operation

Either radius or x_radius and y_radius (for an ellipse) must be given. If all are specified, radius overrides the other two options. They can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

The circle is centered at the current coordinate, unless another coordinate is given as at.

see §14.6

Expand source code
class circle(Operation):
    circle operation

    Either `radius` or `x_radius` and `y_radius` (for an ellipse) must be
    given. If all are specified, `radius` overrides the other two options. They
    can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

    The circle is centered at the current coordinate, unless another coordinate
    is given as `at`.

    see [§14.6](
    def __init__(self, radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None, at=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if radius is not None:
            self.x_radius = radius
            self.y_radius = radius
            self.x_radius = x_radius
            self.y_radius = y_radius
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        x_radius, y_radius = self.x_radius, self.y_radius
        if trans is not None:
            x_radius, y_radius = trans(x_radius, y_radius)
        if x_radius == y_radius:
            kwoptions['radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['x_radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['y_radius'] = y_radius
        if is not None:
            kwoptions['at'] = _coordinate_code(, None)
        return 'circle' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)


class arc (radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

arc operation

Either radius or x_radius and y_radius (for an elliptical arc) must be given. If all are specified, radius overrides the other two options. They can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

see §14.7

Expand source code
class arc(Operation):
    arc operation

    Either `radius` or `x_radius` and `y_radius` (for an elliptical arc) must
    be given. If all are specified, `radius` overrides the other two options.
    They can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension.

    see [§14.7](
    def __init__(self, radius=None, x_radius=None, y_radius=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if radius is not None:
            self.x_radius = radius
            self.y_radius = radius
            self.x_radius = x_radius
            self.y_radius = y_radius
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        x_radius, y_radius = self.x_radius, self.y_radius
        if trans is not None:
            x_radius, y_radius = trans(x_radius, y_radius)
        if x_radius == y_radius:
            kwoptions['radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['x_radius'] = x_radius
            kwoptions['y_radius'] = y_radius
        return 'arc' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **kwoptions)


class grid (coord, step=None, xstep=None, ystep=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

grid operation

Either step or xstep and ystep must be given. If all are specified, step overrides the other two options. They can be numbers or a string containing a number and a dimension. Specifying step as a coordinate is not supported, use xstep and ystep instead.

see §14.8

Expand source code
class grid(Operation):
    grid operation

    Either `step` or `xstep` and `ystep` must be given. If all are specified,
    `step` overrides the other two options. They can be numbers or a string
    containing a number and a dimension. Specifying `step` as a coordinate is
    not supported, use `xstep` and `ystep` instead.

    see [§14.8](
    def __init__(self, coord, step=None, xstep=None, ystep=None,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        # overriding logic
        # Information is stored as separate radii to enable scaling.
        if step is not None:
            self.xstep = step
            self.ystep = step
            self.xstep = xstep
            self.ystep = ystep
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        kwoptions = self.kwoptions
        xstep, ystep = self.xstep, self.ystep
        if trans is not None:
            xstep, ystep = trans(xstep, ystep)
        if xstep == ystep:
            kwoptions['step'] = xstep
            kwoptions['xstep'] = xstep
            kwoptions['ystep'] = ystep
        return ('grid' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))


class parabola (coord, bend=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

parabola operation

coord and the optional bend must be coordinates.

see §14.9

Expand source code
class parabola(Operation):
    parabola operation

    `coord` and the optional `bend` must be coordinates.

    see [§14.9](
    def __init__(self, coord, bend=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        if bend is not None:
            self.bend = _coordinate(bend)
            self.bend = None
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        code = 'parabola' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        if self.bend is not None:
            code += ' bend ' + _coordinate_code(self.bend, trans)
        code += ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans)
        return code


class sin (coord, opt=None, **kwoptions)

sine operation

coord must be a coordinate.

see §14.10

Expand source code
class sin(Operation):
    sine operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.10](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('sin' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))


class cos (coord, opt=None, **kwoptions)

cosine operation

coord must be a coordinate.

see §14.10

Expand source code
class cos(Operation):
    cosine operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.10](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('cos' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))


class topath (coord, opt=None, **kwoptions)

to-path operation

coord must be a coordinate.

see §14.13

Expand source code
class topath(Operation):
    to-path operation

    `coord` must be a coordinate.

    see [§14.13](
    def __init__(self, coord, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinate
        self.coord = _coordinate(coord)
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        return ('to' + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + _coordinate_code(self.coord, trans))


class node (contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

node operation

contents must be a string containing the node text, and may be LaTeX code.

The optional name must be a string, which allows later references to the coordinate (name) in TikZ' node coordinate system.

The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the optional coordinate at is given.

Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because it can be replaced by a Python loop.

see §17

Expand source code
class node(Operation):
    node operation

    `contents` must be a string containing the node text, and may be LaTeX

    The optional `name` must be a string, which allows later references to the
    coordinate `(`name`)` in TikZ' node coordinate system.

    The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the
    optional coordinate `at` is given.

    Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static
    image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because
    it can be replaced by a Python loop.

    see [§17](
    # Provides 'headless' mode for `Scope.node` and `Scope.coordinate`
    def __init__(self, contents, name=None, at=None, _headless=False,
                 opt=None, **kwoptions): = name
        self.contents = contents
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.headless = _headless
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        if not self.headless:
            code = 'node'
            code = ''
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        if is not None:
            code += f' ({})'
        if is not None:
            code += ' at ' + _coordinate_code(, trans)
        code += ' {' + self.contents + '}'
        if self.headless:
            code = code.lstrip()
        return code


class coordinate (name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

coordinate operation

name must be a string, which allows later references to the coordinate (name) in TikZ' node coordinate system.

The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the optional coordinate at is given.

Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because it can be replaced by a Python loop.

see §17.2.1

Expand source code
class coordinate(Operation):
    coordinate operation

    `name` must be a string, which allows later references to the coordinate
    `(`name`)` in TikZ' node coordinate system.

    The node is positioned relative to the current coordinate, unless the
    optional coordinate `at` is given.

    Animation is not supported because it does not make sense for static
    image generation. The foreach statement for nodes is not supported because
    it can be replaced by a Python loop.

    def __init__(self, name, at=None, _headless=False, opt=None, **kwoptions): = name
        # normalize coordinate
        if at is not None:
   = _coordinate(at)
   = None
        self.headless = _headless
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        if not self.headless:
            code = 'coordinate'
            code = ''
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        code += f' ({})'
        if is not None:
            code += ' at ' + _coordinate_code(, trans)
        if self.headless:
            code = code.lstrip()
        return code


class plot (coords, to=False, opt=None, **kwoptions)

plot operation

coords can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

The optional to determines whether a line-to operation is included before the plot operation.

The difference between plot coordinates and plot file is not exposed; the decision whether to specify coordinates inline in the TikZ code or provide them through a file is made internally. Coordinate expressions and gnuplot formulas are not supported.

see §22

Expand source code
class plot(Operation):
    plot operation

    `coords` can be a coordinate or a sequence of coordinates.

    The optional `to` determines whether a line-to operation is included before
    the plot operation.

    The difference between `plot coordinates` and `plot file` is not exposed;
    the decision whether to specify coordinates inline in the TikZ code or
    provide them through a file is made internally. Coordinate expressions and
    gnuplot formulas are not supported.

    see [§22](
    def __init__(self, coords, to=False, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        # normalize coordinates
        self.coords = _sequence(coords, accept_coordinate=True) = to
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        # TODO: Use the 'file' variant as an alternative to 'coordinates' when
        #   there are many points.
            code = '--plot'
            code = 'plot'
        code += _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
        code += ' coordinates {' + ' '.join(
            _coordinate_code(coord, trans) for coord in self.coords) + '}'
        return code


class Action (action_name, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

action on path

Objects of this class are used to represent path actions. It is not normally necessary to instantiate this class, because Action objects are created and added implicitly by environment methods like Picture.path().

see §15

Expand source code
class Action:
    action on path

    Objects of this class are used to represent path actions. It is not
    normally necessary to instantiate this class, because `Action` objects are
    created and added implicitly by environment methods like

    see [§15](
    def __init__(self, action_name, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        self.action_name = action_name
        # normalize path specification
        self.spec = [_operation(op) for op in spec]
        self.opt = opt
        self.kwoptions = kwoptions

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        "returns TikZ code"
        return ('\\' + self.action_name
                + _options_code(opt=self.opt, **self.kwoptions)
                + ' ' + ' '.join(op._code(trans) for op in self.spec) + ';')
class Scope (opt=None, **kwoptions)

scope environment

A scope can be used to group path actions and other commands together, so that options can be applied to them in total.

Do not instantiate this class, but use the scope() method of Picture or another environment.

see §12.3.1

Expand source code
class Scope:
    scope environment

    A scope can be used to group path actions and other commands together, so
    that options can be applied to them in total.

    Do not instantiate this class, but use the
    [<code>scope()</code>](#tikz.Scope.addscope) method of `Picture` or
    another environment.


    def __init__(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        self.elements = []
        self.opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)

    def _append(self, el):
        append element

        Elements of an environment object can be `Action` objects (for path
        actions), `Raw` objects (for other commands), or other environment

    def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        create and add scope to the current environment

        A `Scope` object is created, added, and returned.
        s = Scope(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        return s

    def _code(self, trans=None):
        "returns TikZ code"
        code = r'\begin{scope}' + self.opt + '\n'
        code += '\n'.join(el._code(trans) for el in self.elements) + '\n'
        code += r'\end{scope}'
        return code

    # add actions on paths (§15)

    def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        path action

        The `path` path action is the prototype of all path actions. It
        represents a pure path, one that is not used for drawing, filling or
        other creation of visible elements, unless instructed to do so by

        `*spec` is one or more arguments giving the path specification,
        `opt=None, **kwoptions` can be used to specify options.

        see [§14](
        self._append(Action('path', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        draw action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('draw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        fill action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, fill=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('fill', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        filldraw action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, fill=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
        self._append(Action('filldraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        pattern action

        for [<code>path(…, pattern=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('pattern', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        shade action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, shade=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('shade', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        shadedraw action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, shade=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
        self._append(Action('shadedraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        clip action

        Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, clip=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('clip', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        useasboundingbox action

        Abbreviation for
        [<code>path(…, use_as_bounding_box=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

        self._append(Action('useasboundingbox', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        node action

        Abbreviation for

            'node', node(contents, name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
            opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        coordinate action

        Abbreviation for

        "coordinate action"
            'coordinate', coordinate(name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
            opt=opt, **kwoptions))

    # other commands

    def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec):
        define a new color from a color specification

        Define a new color `name` from a color model `colormodel` and a color
        specification `colorspec`. All arguments are strings.

        if not isinstance(colorspec, str):
            colorspec = ','.join(colorspec)
        self._append(Raw(r'\definecolor' + '{' + name + '}{'
                     + colormodel + '}{' + colorspec + '}'))

    def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr):
        define a new color from a color expression

        Define a new color `name` from color expression `colorexpr`. All
        arguments are strings.

        self._append(Raw(r'\colorlet' + '{' + name + '}{' + colorexpr + '}'))

    def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        set options that apply for the rest of the current environment

        # create options string without brackets
        opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
            opt = opt[1:-1]
        # because braces are needed
        self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + opt + '}'))

    def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        define style

        Defines a new style `name` by the given options. In the following, this
        style can be used whereever options are accepted, and acts as if these
        options had been given directly. It can also be used to override
        TikZ' default styles like the default draw style.

        # create options string without brackets
        opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
            opt = opt[1:-1]
        # because braces are needed
        self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + name + '/.style={' + opt + '}}'))



def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)

create and add scope to the current environment

A Scope object is created, added, and returned.

Expand source code
def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    create and add scope to the current environment

    A `Scope` object is created, added, and returned.
    s = Scope(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
    return s
def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

path action

The path path action is the prototype of all path actions. It represents a pure path, one that is not used for drawing, filling or other creation of visible elements, unless instructed to do so by options.

*spec is one or more arguments giving the path specification, opt=None, **kwoptions can be used to specify options.

see §14

Expand source code
def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    path action

    The `path` path action is the prototype of all path actions. It
    represents a pure path, one that is not used for drawing, filling or
    other creation of visible elements, unless instructed to do so by

    `*spec` is one or more arguments giving the path specification,
    `opt=None, **kwoptions` can be used to specify options.

    see [§14](
    self._append(Action('path', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

draw action

Abbreviation for path(…, draw=True).

see §15.3

Expand source code
def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    draw action

    Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('draw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

fill action

Abbreviation for path(…, fill=True).

see §15.5

Expand source code
def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    fill action

    Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, fill=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('fill', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

filldraw action

Abbreviation for path(…, fill=True, draw=True).

Expand source code
def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    filldraw action

    Abbreviation for
    [<code>path(…, fill=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
    self._append(Action('filldraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

pattern action

Abbreviation for path(…, pattern=True).

see §15.5.1

Expand source code
def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    pattern action

    for [<code>path(…, pattern=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('pattern', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

shade action

Abbreviation for path(…, shade=True).

see §15.7

Expand source code
def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    shade action

    Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, shade=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('shade', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

shadedraw action

Abbreviation for path(…, shade=True, draw=True).

Expand source code
def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    shadedraw action

    Abbreviation for
    [<code>path(…, shade=True, draw=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).
    self._append(Action('shadedraw', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

clip action

Abbreviation for path(…, clip=True).

see §15.9

Expand source code
def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    clip action

    Abbreviation for [<code>path(…, clip=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('clip', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

useasboundingbox action

Abbreviation for path(…, use_as_bounding_box=True).

see §15.8

Expand source code
def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    useasboundingbox action

    Abbreviation for
    [<code>path(…, use_as_bounding_box=True)</code>](#tikz.Scope.path).

    self._append(Action('useasboundingbox', *spec, opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

node action

Abbreviation for path(node(…)).

see §17.2.1

Expand source code
def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    node action

    Abbreviation for

        'node', node(contents, name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
        opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

coordinate action

Abbreviation for path(coordinate(…)).

see §17.2.1

Expand source code
def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    coordinate action

    Abbreviation for

    "coordinate action"
        'coordinate', coordinate(name=name, at=at, _headless=True),
        opt=opt, **kwoptions))
def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec)

define a new color from a color specification

Define a new color name from a color model colormodel and a color specification colorspec. All arguments are strings.

see xcolor §2.5.2

Expand source code
def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec):
    define a new color from a color specification

    Define a new color `name` from a color model `colormodel` and a color
    specification `colorspec`. All arguments are strings.

    if not isinstance(colorspec, str):
        colorspec = ','.join(colorspec)
    self._append(Raw(r'\definecolor' + '{' + name + '}{'
                 + colormodel + '}{' + colorspec + '}'))
def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr)

define a new color from a color expression

Define a new color name from color expression colorexpr. All arguments are strings.

see xcolor §2.5.2

Expand source code
def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr):
    define a new color from a color expression

    Define a new color `name` from color expression `colorexpr`. All
    arguments are strings.

    self._append(Raw(r'\colorlet' + '{' + name + '}{' + colorexpr + '}'))
def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)

set options that apply for the rest of the current environment

see §12.4.1

Expand source code
def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    set options that apply for the rest of the current environment

    # create options string without brackets
    opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
    if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
        opt = opt[1:-1]
    # because braces are needed
    self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + opt + '}'))
def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions)

define style

Defines a new style name by the given options. In the following, this style can be used whereever options are accepted, and acts as if these options had been given directly. It can also be used to override TikZ' default styles like the default draw style.

see §12.4.2

Expand source code
def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions):
    define style

    Defines a new style `name` by the given options. In the following, this
    style can be used whereever options are accepted, and acts as if these
    options had been given directly. It can also be used to override
    TikZ' default styles like the default draw style.

    # create options string without brackets
    opt = _options_code(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
    if opt.startswith('[') and opt.endswith(']'):
        opt = opt[1:-1]
    # because braces are needed
    self._append(Raw(r'\tikzset{' + name + '/.style={' + opt + '}}'))
class Picture (tempdir=None, cache=True, opt=None, **kwoptions)

tikzpicture environment

This is the central class of the module. A picture is created by instantiating Picture and calling its methods. The object represents both the whole LaTeX document and its single tikzpicture environment.

Set tempdir to use a specific directory for temporary files instead of an automatically created one. Set cache to False if the picture should be generated even though the TikZ code has not changed.

see §12.2.1

Expand source code
class Picture(Scope):
    tikzpicture environment

    This is the central class of the module. A picture is created by
    instantiating `Picture` and calling its methods. The object represents both
    the whole LaTeX document and its single `tikzpicture` environment.

    Set `tempdir` to use a specific directory for temporary files instead of an
    automatically created one. Set `cache` to `False` if the picture should be
    generated even though the TikZ code has not changed.


    def __init__(self, tempdir=None, cache=True, opt=None, **kwoptions):
        super().__init__(opt=opt, **kwoptions)
        # additional preamble entries
        self.preamble = []
        # should the created PDF be cached?
        self.cache = cache
        # create temporary directory for pdflatex etc.
        if tempdir is None:
            self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tikz-')
            # make sure it gets deleted
            atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
            self.tempdir = tempdir

    def add_preamble(self, code):
        add code to preamble

        Adds arbitrary LaTeX code to the document preamble. Since the code will
        typically contain backslash characters, use of a Python 'raw' string is

        If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, the
        code is only added once.
        if code not in self.preamble:

    def usetikzlibrary(self, name):
        use TikZ library

        Makes the functionality of the TikZ library `name` available.

        This adds a `\\usetikzlibrary` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
        document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
        arguments, only one such command is added.

        [Part V](
        self.add_preamble(r'\usetikzlibrary{' + name + '}')

    def usepackage(self, name, options=None):
        use LaTeX package

        Makes the functionality of the LaTeX package `name` available. If
        specified, package <code>options</code> are set.

        This adds a `\\usepackage` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
        document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
        arguments, only one such command is added.
        code = r'\usepackage'
        if options is not None:
            code += '[' + options + ']'
        code += '{' + name + '}'

    def fira(self):
        set font to Fira, also for math

        Warning: Fira Math works only with xelatex and lualatex!
        self.usepackage('FiraSans', 'sfdefault')
        self.usepackage('unicode-math', 'mathrm=sym')
        self.add_preamble(r'\setmathfont{Fira Math}[math-style=ISO,'

    # code / pdf creation: private
    # private functions assume that code / pdf has already been created

    def _update(self):
        "ensure that up-to-date code & PDF file exists"

        sep = os.path.sep

        # create tikzpicture code
        code = (r'\begin{tikzpicture}' + self.opt + '\n'
                + '\n'.join(el._code() for el in self.elements) + '\n'
                + r'\end{tikzpicture}')
        self._code = code

        # create document code
        # standard preamble
        codelines = [
        # user-added preamble
        codelines += self.preamble
        # document body
        codelines += [
        code = '\n'.join(codelines)
        self._document_code = code

        # We don't want a PDF file of the whole LaTeX document, but only of the
        # contents of the `tikzpicture` environment. This is achieved using
        # TikZ' `external` library, which makes TikZ write out pictures as
        # individual PDF files. To do so, in a normal pdflatex run TikZ calls
        # pdflatex again with special arguments. We use these special
        # arguments directly. See section 53 of the PGF/TikZ manual.

        # does the PDF file have to be created?
        #  This check is implemented by using the SHA1 digest of the LaTeX code
        # in the PDF filename, and to skip creation if that file exists.
        hash = hashlib.sha1(code.encode()).hexdigest()
        self.temp_pdf = self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz-' + hash + '.pdf'
        if self.cache and os.path.isfile(self.temp_pdf):

        # create LaTeX file
        temp_tex = self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz.tex'
        with open(temp_tex, 'w') as f:
            f.write(code + '\n')

        # process LaTeX file into PDF
        completed =
        self.latex_completed = completed
        if completed.returncode != 0:
            raise LatexError('LaTeX has failed\n' + completed.stdout)

        # rename created PDF file
        os.rename(self.tempdir + sep + 'tikz-figure0.pdf', self.temp_pdf)

    def _get_SVG(self):
        "return SVG data of `Picture`"
        # convert PDF to SVG using PyMuPDF
        doc =
        page = doc.loadPage(0)
        svg = page.getSVGimage()
        return svg

    def _get_PNG(self, dpi=None):
        "return PNG data of `Picture`"
        if dpi is None:
            dpi = cfg.display_dpi
        # convert PDF to PNG using PyMuPDF
        zoom = dpi / 72
        doc =
        page = doc.loadPage(0)
        pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom))
        return pix.getPNGdata()

    # code / pdf creation: public
    # public functions make sure that code / pdf is created via `_update`

    def code(self):
        "returns TikZ code"
        return self._code

    def document_code(self):
        "returns LaTeX/TikZ code for a complete compilable document"
        return self._document_code

    def write_image(self, filename, dpi=None):
        write picture to image file

        The file type is determined from the file extension, and can be PDF,
        PNG, or SVG. For PDF, the file created by LaTeX is copied to
        `filename`. For PNG, the PDF is rendered to a bitmap. If the
        resolution `dpi` is not specified, `cfg.file_dpi` is used. For
        SVG, the PDF is converted to SVG.

        Rendering and conversion are performed by the
        [MuPDF library]( through the Python binding
        if dpi is None:
            dpi = cfg.file_dpi
        # determine extension
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        # if a PDF is requested,
        if ext.lower() == '.pdf':
            # just copy the file
            shutil.copyfile(self.temp_pdf, filename)
        elif ext.lower() == '.png':
            # render PDF as PNG using PyMuPDF
            zoom = dpi / 72
            doc =
            page = doc.loadPage(0)
            pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom), alpha=True)
        elif ext.lower() == '.svg':
            # convert PDF to SVG using PyMuPDF
            svg = self._get_SVG()
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            raise ValueError(f'format {ext[1:]} is not supported')

    def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include, exclude, **kwargs):
        "display image in notebook"
        # For the "plot viewer" of vscode-python to be activated, apparently it
        # is necessary to provide both a PNG and an SVG.
        # Note that SVG rendering in the "plot viewer" is not entirely
        # accurate, see
        data = {
            'image/png': self._get_PNG(),
            'image/svg+xml': self._get_SVG()
        return data

    def demo(self, dpi=None):
        show picture and code in the notebook

        This is a convenience function meant to aid development and debugging
        of a picture in a Jupyter notebook. It creates an output cell that (by
        default) contains the rendered picture on the left and the
        corresponding TikZ code on the right. This layout can be modified via
        `cfg.demo_template`. The optional argument `dpi` can be used to
        override the default `cfg.display_dpi`.
        png_base64 = ''
            png_base64 = base64.b64encode(
        except LatexError as le:
            message = le.args[0]
            tikz_error = message.find('! ')
            if tikz_error != -1:
                message = message[tikz_error:]
            print('LatexError: LaTeX has failed')
        code_escaped = html.escape(self._code)
                cfg.demo_template.format(png_base64, code_escaped)))




def add_preamble(self, code)

add code to preamble

Adds arbitrary LaTeX code to the document preamble. Since the code will typically contain backslash characters, use of a Python 'raw' string is recommended.

If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, the code is only added once.

Expand source code
def add_preamble(self, code):
    add code to preamble

    Adds arbitrary LaTeX code to the document preamble. Since the code will
    typically contain backslash characters, use of a Python 'raw' string is

    If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, the
    code is only added once.
    if code not in self.preamble:
def usetikzlibrary(self, name)

use TikZ library

Makes the functionality of the TikZ library name available.

This adds a \usetikzlibrary command to the preamble of the LaTeX document. If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, only one such command is added.

see Part V

Expand source code
def usetikzlibrary(self, name):
    use TikZ library

    Makes the functionality of the TikZ library `name` available.

    This adds a `\\usetikzlibrary` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
    document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
    arguments, only one such command is added.

    [Part V](
    self.add_preamble(r'\usetikzlibrary{' + name + '}')
def usepackage(self, name, options=None)

use LaTeX package

Makes the functionality of the LaTeX package name available. If specified, package options are set.

This adds a \usepackage command to the preamble of the LaTeX document. If the method is called multiple times with the same arguments, only one such command is added.

Expand source code
def usepackage(self, name, options=None):
    use LaTeX package

    Makes the functionality of the LaTeX package `name` available. If
    specified, package <code>options</code> are set.

    This adds a `\\usepackage` command to the preamble of the LaTeX
    document. If the method is called multiple times with the same
    arguments, only one such command is added.
    code = r'\usepackage'
    if options is not None:
        code += '[' + options + ']'
    code += '{' + name + '}'
def fira(self)

set font to Fira, also for math

Warning: Fira Math works only with xelatex and lualatex!

Expand source code
def fira(self):
    set font to Fira, also for math

    Warning: Fira Math works only with xelatex and lualatex!
    self.usepackage('FiraSans', 'sfdefault')
    self.usepackage('unicode-math', 'mathrm=sym')
    self.add_preamble(r'\setmathfont{Fira Math}[math-style=ISO,'
def code(self)

returns TikZ code

Expand source code
def code(self):
    "returns TikZ code"
    return self._code
def document_code(self)

returns LaTeX/TikZ code for a complete compilable document

Expand source code
def document_code(self):
    "returns LaTeX/TikZ code for a complete compilable document"
    return self._document_code
def write_image(self, filename, dpi=None)

write picture to image file

The file type is determined from the file extension, and can be PDF, PNG, or SVG. For PDF, the file created by LaTeX is copied to filename. For PNG, the PDF is rendered to a bitmap. If the resolution dpi is not specified, cfg.file_dpi is used. For SVG, the PDF is converted to SVG.

Rendering and conversion are performed by the MuPDF library through the Python binding PyMuPDF.

Expand source code
def write_image(self, filename, dpi=None):
    write picture to image file

    The file type is determined from the file extension, and can be PDF,
    PNG, or SVG. For PDF, the file created by LaTeX is copied to
    `filename`. For PNG, the PDF is rendered to a bitmap. If the
    resolution `dpi` is not specified, `cfg.file_dpi` is used. For
    SVG, the PDF is converted to SVG.

    Rendering and conversion are performed by the
    [MuPDF library]( through the Python binding
    if dpi is None:
        dpi = cfg.file_dpi
    # determine extension
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    # if a PDF is requested,
    if ext.lower() == '.pdf':
        # just copy the file
        shutil.copyfile(self.temp_pdf, filename)
    elif ext.lower() == '.png':
        # render PDF as PNG using PyMuPDF
        zoom = dpi / 72
        doc =
        page = doc.loadPage(0)
        pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom), alpha=True)
    elif ext.lower() == '.svg':
        # convert PDF to SVG using PyMuPDF
        svg = self._get_SVG()
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        raise ValueError(f'format {ext[1:]} is not supported')
def demo(self, dpi=None)

show picture and code in the notebook

This is a convenience function meant to aid development and debugging of a picture in a Jupyter notebook. It creates an output cell that (by default) contains the rendered picture on the left and the corresponding TikZ code on the right. This layout can be modified via cfg.demo_template. The optional argument dpi can be used to override the default cfg.display_dpi.

Expand source code
def demo(self, dpi=None):
    show picture and code in the notebook

    This is a convenience function meant to aid development and debugging
    of a picture in a Jupyter notebook. It creates an output cell that (by
    default) contains the rendered picture on the left and the
    corresponding TikZ code on the right. This layout can be modified via
    `cfg.demo_template`. The optional argument `dpi` can be used to
    override the default `cfg.display_dpi`.
    png_base64 = ''
        png_base64 = base64.b64encode(
    except LatexError as le:
        message = le.args[0]
        tikz_error = message.find('! ')
        if tikz_error != -1:
            message = message[tikz_error:]
        print('LatexError: LaTeX has failed')
    code_escaped = html.escape(self._code)
            cfg.demo_template.format(png_base64, code_escaped)))
def scope(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.scope

create and add scope to the current environment …

def path(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.path

path action …

def draw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.draw

draw action …

def fill(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.fill

fill action …

def filldraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.filldraw

filldraw action …

def pattern(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.pattern

pattern action …

def shade(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.shade

shade action …

def shadedraw(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.shadedraw

shadedraw action …

def clip(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.clip

clip action …

def useasboundingbox(self, *spec, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.useasboundingbox

useasboundingbox action …

def node(self, contents, name=None, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.node

node action …

def coordinate(self, name, at=None, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.coordinate

coordinate action …

def definecolor(self, name, colormodel, colorspec)

Inherited from: Scope.definecolor

define a new color from a color specification …

def colorlet(self, name, colorexpr)

Inherited from: Scope.colorlet

define a new color from a color expression …

def tikzset(self, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from: Scope.tikzset

set options that apply for the rest of the current environment …

def style(self, name, opt=None, **kwoptions)

Inherited from:

define style …

class LatexError (*args, **kwargs)

error in the external LaTeX process

Expand source code
class LatexError(Exception):
    error in the external LaTeX process


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException